Vermont Statutes
Chapter 83 - Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation
§ 2601. Policy and purposes

§ 2601. Policy and purposes
(a) The conservation of the forests, timberlands, woodlands, and soil and recreational resources of the State are hereby declared to be in the public interest. It is the policy of the State to encourage economic management of its forests and woodlands, to sustain long-term forest health, integrity, and productivity, to maintain, conserve, and improve its soil resources, and to control forest pests to the end that forest benefits, including maple sugar production, are preserved for its people, floods and soil erosion are alleviated, hazards of forest fires are lessened, its natural beauty is preserved, its wildlife is protected, the development of its recreational interests is encouraged, the fertility and productivity of its soil are maintained, the impairment of its dams and reservoirs is prevented, its tax base is protected, and the health, safety, and general welfare of its people are sustained and promoted.
(b) The Department shall implement the policies of this chapter by assisting forestland owners and lumber operators in the cutting and marketing of forest growth, encouraging cooperation between forest owners, lumber operators, and the State of Vermont in the practice of conservation and management of forestlands, managing, promoting, and protecting the multiple use of publicly owned forestlands and park lands; planning, constructing, developing, operating, and maintaining the system of State parks; determining the necessity of repairs and replacements to all Department-owned buildings and causing urgent repairs and replacements to be accomplished, with the approval of the Secretary of Administration, if within the limits of specific appropriations or if approved by the Emergency Board; and providing advice and assistance to municipalities, other political subdivisions, State departments, and nongovernmental organizations in the development of wholesome and adequate community or institutional recreation programs.
(c) The Commissioner shall implement the policy established under this section when construing the provisions of this chapter related to the management of forestlands and the construction of chapters 85 and 87 of this title. (Added 1977, No. 253 (Adj. Sess.), § 1; amended 1993, No. 233 (Adj. Sess.), § 44, eff. June 21, 1994; 2015, No. 171 (Adj. Sess.), § 2.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 10 - Conservation and Development

Chapter 83 - Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation

§ 2600. Findings

§ 2601. Policy and purposes

§ 2602. Definitions

§ 2603. Powers and duties: Commissioner

§ 2605. Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports

§ 2606. Acceptance of gifts; exchange, purchase, or lease of lands

§ 2606a. Mountaintop use as communications sites

§ 2606b. License of forestlands for maple sugar production

§ 2607. Natural areas; designation

§ 2608. Enforcement; penalties; liability

§ 2609. Forest Parks Revolving Fund

§ 2609a. Income from lease of mountaintop communication sites

§ 2610. Relocation assistance; when required

§ 2611. Vermont Youth Conservation Corps

§ 2612. Designation; Vermont Youth Conservation Corps, Inc

§ 2613. Abenaki place names in State parks

§ 2621. Duties of owners

§ 2622. Rules; harvesting timber; forests; acceptable management practices for maintaining water quality

§ 2622a. Water Quality Assistance Program

§ 2622b. Accident prevention and safety training for logging contractors

§ 2622c. Financial assistance; logger safety; master logger certification; cost-share

§ 2623. Reports, management plans, and licensing

§ 2624. Marked timber sales

§ 2625. Regulation of heavy cutting

§ 2641. Town forest fire wardens; appointment and removal

§ 2642. Salary and compensation of town forest fire wardens

§ 2643. Town’s liability for suppression of forest fires; State aid

§ 2644. Duties and powers of fire warden

§ 2645. Open burning; permits

§ 2646. Proclamation by Governor prohibiting kindling of fires: Closing of woodlands

§ 2647. Fires in woods of another; permission

§ 2648. Slash removal

§ 2651. Municipal forest; definition

§ 2652. Municipal forests, State aid

§ 2653. Designation of municipal forest

§ 2654. Management

§ 2655. Receipts

§ 2661. Surveys and investigations

§ 2662. Control measures

§ 2663. Infestation control; agreements with owners

§ 2664. Cost prorated; agreements

§ 2671. Jurisdiction

§ 2672. Complaint or information and summons

§ 2673. Procedure on failure to appear; notice; rules

§ 2674. Answer to Uniform Fire Prevention Ticket

§ 2675. Penalties

§ 2676. Supreme Court rules

§ 2681. Importation of firewood; protection from invasive pests