§ 2571. Publication and registration of name or mark of owner
A person or corporation engaged in buying, selling, or dealing in milk, cream, or nonintoxicating beverages in receptacles, or a licensed buyer, dealer in, or vendor of, intoxicating beverages, whose name, mark, or other device is produced in a permanent manner in or upon such receptacle, may file in the office of the clerk of the town in which his, her, or its principal place of business is situated, a description of the name, mark, or other device so used, and cause such description to be published in such town four weeks successively in a newspaper published therein. If a newspaper is not published therein, such publication shall be in a newspaper published in the county in which such town is situated.
Structure Vermont Statutes
Chapter 71 - Trademarks; Registration of Name or Mark
§ 2523. Certificate of registration; filing fee
§ 2526. Applications for registration; classification
§ 2527. Suitability for registration
§ 2528. Fraudulent registration
§ 2529. Enjoining use of counterfeits or imitations
§ 2571. Publication and registration of name or mark of owner
§ 2572. Penalty for use of mark without consent of owner
§ 2573. Mutilating receptacle or erasing name; penalty
§ 2574. Destroying or polluting butter crates or carriers; penalty