Vermont Statutes
Chapter 12 - Vermont Economic Development Authority
§ 217. Records; annual report; audit

§ 217. Records; annual report; audit
(a) The Authority shall keep an accurate account of all its activities and of all its receipts and expenditures. Information and records in connection with an application for an insurance contract under subchapter 2 of this chapter shall be preserved for three years after the application has been denied or, if the application is accepted, for three years after the mortgage has been discharged and thereafter until the Authority orders them destroyed.
(b) Prior to February 1 in each year, the Authority shall submit a report of its activities for the preceding fiscal year to the Governor and to the General Assembly. The report shall set forth a complete operating and financial statement covering its operations during the year. The Authority shall cause an audit of its books and accounts to be made at least once in each year by a certified public accountant and its cost shall be considered an expense of the Authority and a copy shall be filed with the State Treasurer. The provisions of 2 V.S.A. § 20(d) (expiration of required reports) shall not apply to the report to be made under this subsection.
(c) The Auditor of Accounts of the State and his or her authorized representatives may at any time examine the accounts and books of the Authority including its receipts, disbursements, contracts, funds, investments, and any other matters relating to its financial statements.
(d) At such time as the Authority has exhausted all rights and remedies to enforce the terms of a financing document or mortgage serving as security for a loan, the identity of the borrower and the outstanding principal balance of the loan shall become a public record. (Added 1973, No. 197 (Adj. Sess.), § 1; amended 1975, No. 18, § 3, eff. March 27, 1975; 1999, No. 131 (Adj. Sess.), § 1a; 2013, No. 142 (Adj. Sess.), § 16.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 10 - Conservation and Development

Chapter 12 - Vermont Economic Development Authority

§ 210. Statutory purposes

§ 211. Legislative findings

§ 212. Definitions

§ 213. Authority; organization

§ 214. Members; disqualification

§ 215. Manager; duties

§ 216. Authority; general powers

§ 217. Records; annual report; audit

§ 217a. Application

§ 218. Construction

§ 219. Reserve funds

§ 220. Transfer from Indemnification Fund

§ 231. Assistance to local development corporations

§ 232. Issuance of loans for speculative buildings and small business incubator facilities

§ 233. Depressed areas

§ 234. The Vermont Jobs Fund

§ 236. Taxes

§ 237. Issuing of loans for industrial park planning and development projects

§ 241. Powers of municipalities

§ 242. Financing documents

§ 243. Security documents

§ 244. Bonds

§ 245. Municipal proceedings

§ 246. Approval of Authority

§ 247. Obligations of the municipality

§ 248. Trustees and trust funds

§ 249. Remedies

§ 250. Bonds exempt from taxation

§ 251. Taxation of eligible facilities

§ 252. Bonds eligible for investment

§ 253. State projects

§ 254. State bonds

§ 261. Additional powers

§ 262. Findings

§ 263. Mortgage loan; limitations

§ 264. Accelerated repayment provisions

§ 279c. Vermont Export Finance Program

§ 280. Public financing policy

§ 280a. Eligible projects; authorized financing programs

§ 280b. The Vermont sustainable jobs strategy

§ 280d. Definitions

§ 280e. State Infrastructure Bank Program

§ 280f. Applicability of general provisions

§ 280g. State Infrastructure Bank Program; duties; powers

§ 280h. Receipt and administration of Program funds

§ 280i. Disbursement and use of funds

§ 280j. Powers and duties of the Secretary

§ 280k. Powers and duties of the Program

§ 280l. Applications for financial assistance

§ 280m. Loan and lease terms

§ 280n. Program Fund; accounts

§ 280o. Issuance of revenue bonds

§ 280p. Additional security agreements, insurance, and credit enhancements

§ 280q. Loans to qualified borrowers to finance qualified projects

§ 280r. Powers and privileges of government units

§ 280s. Borrower obligations

§ 280t. Security agreements securing borrower obligations; pledges of general revenues or project revenues

§ 280u. Guarantees; other credit enhancement

§ 280v. Termination of the Program; remaining assets and liabilities

§ 280w. Records of receipts, expenditures, and disbursements

§ 280x. Obligations; credit of the State not pledged

§ 280y. Public records

§ 280aa. Findings and purpose

§ 280bb. Vermont Entrepreneurial Lending Program

§ 280cc. Creation; purpose; definitions

§ 280dd. Loan programs administered within the Fund

§ 280ee. Broadband Expansion Loan Program

§ 280ff. Funding