Vermont Statutes
Chapter 51 - Gambling and Lotteries
§ 2135. Gambling machines—Sale, lease, or rental

§ 2135. Gambling machines—Sale, lease, or rental
(a) A person, corporation, copartnership, or association shall not lease, rent, let on shares, sell, expose for sale, or offer for sale:
(1) a machine, apparatus, or device, into which may be inserted a piece of money or other object, and from which, as a result of such insertion and the application of physical or mechanical or electrical force, may issue with or without gum or confection, a piece of money, or slug, or a token, or a check or memoranda calling for money, credit, or merchandise or property; or
(2) a coin or slot machine, pinball machine, racing machines, or other device of like character, wherein there enters any element of chance, whether the same be played for money, checks, credits, merchandise, or other thing representative of value; or
(3) a machine or device of any kind or nature by the use or operation of which there is an element of chance for the winning or losing of money or other things of value.
(b) The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to slot machines that were manufactured prior to 1954 and that are not operated for gambling purposes. (Amended 1985, No. 100 (Adj. Sess.), eff. Feb. 5, 1986.)