§ 1703. Report as to status
An official written report or a record or duly certified copy thereof, made by such officer or employee, that a person is missing, missing in action, interned in a neutral country, beleaguered, besieged, or captured by an enemy, or is dead or is alive, shall be received in any court, office, or other place in this State as evidence that such person’s status is as stated therein at the time of such report.
Structure Vermont Statutes
Chapter 63 - Records and Other Documents
§ 1691. Production of books and papers; subpoena duces tecum
§ 1691a. Procedure for production of employee personnel records
§ 1692. Certified copies of public records admissible
§ 1694. Municipal ordinances; references in prosecutions
§ 1695. Records of births, civil marriages, and deaths
§ 1696. Foreign records—births, marriages, and deaths
§ 1697. Deeds, mortgages, and other public records
§ 1699. Foreign laws and decisions; determination by court
§ 1700. Uniform Business Records as Evidence Act
§ 1701. Uniform Photographic Copies of Business and Public Records as Evidence Act
§ 1702. Missing persons—finding of presumed death under Federal Missing Persons Act