Vermont Statutes
Chapter 15 - Registration of Business Entities
§ 1634. Effect of failure and neglect

§ 1634. Effect of failure and neglect
A person, copartnership, limited liability company, or corporation subject to this chapter shall not institute any proceedings in this State for the enforcement of any right or obligation unless it shall, prior to the issuance of the original return or complaint therein, have filed the returns and paid the registration fee required by this chapter; nor shall a license or certificate be granted to a nonresident individual, copartnership, or unincorporated association to transact a business specified in Titles 5 and 23 or in 6 V.S.A. chapter 29 until such individual, copartnership, or association has complied with the provisions of section 1630 of this title. (Amended 1995, No. 179 (Adj. Sess.), § 13.)