Vermont Statutes
Chapter 55 - Aid to Municipalities for Water Supply and Water Pollution Abatement and Control
§ 1632. State administrative departments

§ 1632. State administrative departments
For the purpose of constructing or substantially improving a water pollution abatement and control facility, any State administrative department as authorized in Title 3 shall be deemed a municipality under section 1623 of this title and subject to the terms and conditions applicable to municipalities; provided, however, that a State administrative department deemed a municipality shall only receive State assistance under this chapter if the Department has a surplus of funds at the end of each fiscal year after all municipal grant applicants have received committed funds. (Added 1979, No. 73, § 2, eff. May 7, 1979; amended 1981, No. 44; 2015, No. 103 (Adj. Sess.), § 23, eff. May 12, 2016.)