Vermont Statutes
Chapter 14 - Cooperative Housing Ownership Act
§ 1610. Separate taxation; mobile home cooperatives

§ 1610. Separate taxation; mobile home cooperatives
Each unit in a mobile home limited equity cooperative under proprietary lease, together with any improvements thereon and together with the proprietary lessee’s cooperative interest in the common areas and facilities owned by the cooperative, shall be considered to be a parcel, and shall be subject to separate assessment and taxation as real property by each assessing unit and special district for all types of taxes authorized by law, including special ad valorem levies and special assessments. Each unit held by the cooperative not under proprietary lease, together with any improvements thereon, and together with the remaining and unissued cooperative interest in the common areas and facilities owned by the cooperative, may be combined and treated as one parcel for purposes of assessment and taxation at the discretion of the listers, and shall be subject to assessment and taxation as real property by each assessing unit and special district for all types of taxes authorized by law. Except for the units described in this section, no cooperative property, including common areas and facilities owned by the cooperative, shall be deemed to be a parcel subject to separate assessment and taxation. (Added 1999, No. 159 (Adj. Sess.), § 21, eff. May 29, 2000.)