Vermont Statutes
Chapter 17 - Unemployment Compensation
§ 1451. Definitions

§ 1451. Definitions
As used in this subchapter:
(1) “Affected unit” means a specific plan, department, shift, or other definable unit consisting of not less than five employees to which an approved short-time compensation plan applies.
(2) “Defined benefit plan” means a plan described in 26 U.S.C. § 414(j).
(3) “Defined contribution plan” means a plan described in 26 U.S.C. § 414(i).
(4) “Short-time compensation” or “STC” means the unemployment benefits payable to employees in an affected unit under an approved short-time compensation plan as distinguished from the unemployment benefits otherwise payable under the conventional unemployment compensation provisions of this chapter.
(5) “Short-time compensation plan” means a plan of an employer under which there is a reduction in the number of hours worked by employees of an affected unit rather than layoffs. The term “layoffs” for this purpose means the total separation of one or more workers in the affected unit.
(6) “Short-time compensation employer” means an employer who has one or more employees covered by an approved “Short-time compensation plan.” “Short-time compensation employer” means an employer with an experience rating record or an employer who makes payments in lieu of contributions to the Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund and that meets all of the following criteria:
(A) Has five or more employees covered by an approved short-time compensation plan.
(B) Is not delinquent in the payment of contributions or reimbursement, or in the reporting of wages.
(C) Is not a negative balance employer. For the purposes of this section, a negative balance employer is an employer who has for three or more consecutive calendar years immediately prior to applying for the STC plan paid more in unemployment benefits to its employees than it has contributed to its unemployment insurance account. In the event that an employer has been a negative balance employer for three consecutive years, the employer shall be ineligible for participation unless the Commissioner grants a waiver based upon extenuating economic conditions or other good cause.
(7) “Usual weekly hours of work” means the normal hours of work for full-time or part-time employees in the affected unit when that unit is operating on its regular basis not to exceed 40 hours and not including hours of overtime work.
(8) “Unemployment compensation” means the unemployment benefits payable under this chapter other than short-time compensation and includes any amounts payable pursuant to an agreement under any federal law providing for compensation, assistance, or allowances with respect to unemployment.
(9) “Fringe benefits” means benefits, including health insurance, retirement benefits, paid vacations and holidays, sick leave, and similar benefits that are incidents of employment.
(10) “Intermittent employment” means employment that is not continuous but may consist of intervals of weekly work and intervals of no weekly work.
(11) “Seasonal employment” means employment with an employer who experiences at least a 20-percent difference between its highest level of employment during a particular season and its lowest level of employment during the off-season in each of the previous three years as reported to the Department, or employment with an employer on a temporary basis during a particular season. (Added 1985, No. 140 (Adj. Sess.), § 1; amended 2011, No. 162 (Adj. Sess.), § E.401.3; 2013, No. 72, § 35a.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 21 - Labor

Chapter 17 - Unemployment Compensation

§ 1301. Definitions

§ 1301a. Department of Labor; composition

§ 1302. Vermont Employment Security Board, composition, duties

§ 1303. Compensation

§ 1304. Quorum

§ 1305. Divisions; Comprehensive Employment and Training Office

§ 1305a. Comprehensive Employment and Training Office

§ 1307. Commissioner of Labor, duties and powers of

§ 1308. Organization

§ 1309. Reports; solvency of Trust Fund

§ 1311. Employees

§ 1311a. Professional training for employees

§ 1312. Publication of rules, regulations, reports

§ 1314. Reports and records; separation information; determination of eligibility; failure to report employment information; disclosure of information to other State agencies to investigate misclassification or miscoding

§ 1314a. Quarterly wage reporting; misclassification; penalties

§ 1315. State-federal cooperation

§ 1316. Furnishing data

§ 1317. Railroad Retirement Board

§ 1318. Reciprocal benefit arrangements

§ 1319. Agreements for collection and payment of contributions

§ 1320. Investigations; general powers

§ 1321. Contributions; taxable wage base changes

§ 1322. Reports; liability

§ 1322a. Out-of-state or nonresident subcontractors

§ 1323. Termination of coverage; agreement by employee to make contribution

§ 1324. Rate of contribution

§ 1325. Employers’ experience-rating records; disclosure to successor entity

§ 1326. Rate based on benefit experience

§ 1327. Rate, reduction, conditions

§ 1328. Filing employer quarterly tax contribution reports; failure

§ 1329. Collection of unpaid contributions; suit

§ 1330. Assessment provided

§ 1331. Notice; hearing

§ 1332. Review by board; Supreme Court appeal

§ 1334. Judgment; exception

§ 1336. Lien, fee, foreclosure

§ 1337. Adjustments and refunds

§ 1337a. Administrative determination; hearing on

§ 1338. Weekly benefits

§ 1338a. Disregarded earnings

§ 1339. Weekly benefit for partial unemployment

§ 1340. Computation of benefits

§ 1340a. Self-Employment Assistance Program

§ 1343. Conditions

§ 1344. Disqualifications

§ 1346. Claims for benefits; rules; notice

§ 1347. Nondisclosure or misrepresentation

§ 1348. Procedure

§ 1349. Appeals to Board; Supreme Court appeal

§ 1350. Interested party disqualified on behalf of Commissioner

§ 1351. Procedure

§ 1352. Witnesses; fees

§ 1353. Collateral use prohibited

§ 1356. Limitation of fees

§ 1357. Notices; form and service

§ 1358. Unemployment Compensation Fund; establishment and control

§ 1359. Administration of Unemployment Compensation Fund

§ 1360. Treasurer

§ 1361. Management of Funds upon discontinuance of Unemployment Trust Fund

§ 1362. Unemployment Compensation Administration Fund

§ 1363. Expenditures

§ 1364. Replacement

§ 1365. Contingent Fund

§ 1366. Protection of rights and benefits; waiver of rights void

§ 1367. Benefits not subject to assignment or trustee process

§ 1367a. Child support intercept of unemployment benefits

§ 1367b. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program intercept of unemployment benefits

§ 1368. False statements to increase payments

§ 1369. False statements to avoid unemployment program obligations

§ 1370. Furnishing reports

§ 1371. Each statement separate offense

§ 1372. Violation by corporate agent

§ 1373. General penalty; civil

§ 1374. Representation in court

§ 1375. Jurisdiction

§ 1376. Limitation of liability of State

§ 1377. Rights hereunder subject to legislative control

§ 1378. Requirements for obtaining license or governmental contract

§ 1379. Complaint of misclassification; enforcement by Attorney General

§ 1383. Severability of provisions

§ 1384. Construction

§ 1385. Contingent provisions

§ 1386. Operation dependent upon federal act

§ 1387. Suspension of contributions

§ 1388. Invalidity of acts

§ 1421. Definitions

§ 1422. Regular and extended benefits

§ 1423. Eligibility requirements for extended benefits

§ 1423a. Disqualifications

§ 1424. Weekly extended benefit amount

§ 1425. Total extended benefit amount

§ 1426. Beginning and termination of extended benefit period

§ 1427. Amendments to the Federal-State Extended Unemployment Compensation Act of 1970

§ 1451. Definitions

§ 1452. Criteria for approval

§ 1453. Approval or rejection; resubmission

§ 1454. Effective date; duration

§ 1455. Revocation

§ 1456. Modification

§ 1457. Eligibility

§ 1458. Short-time compensation benefits

§ 1459. Charging benefits

§ 1460. Extended benefits program eligibility

§ 1461. Misrepresentation; penalties

§ 1462. Period of dormancy

§ 1471. Training benefit program