Vermont Statutes
Chapter 49A - Lake Shoreland Protection Standards
§ 1444. Permit standards

§ 1444. Permit standards
(a) Permit standards; generally. Except for permits issued under section 1445 of this title, the Secretary shall issue a permit under this chapter if the permit applicant, including the State of Vermont, demonstrates that:
(1) cleared area or impervious surface shall be located at least 100 feet from the mean water level, except for shoreland stabilization measures designed to repair or prevent erosion or flood risks and approved by the Secretary;
(2) cleared area or impervious surface within the protected shoreland area shall be located on a site:
(A) with a slope of less than 20 percent; or
(B) that will have a stable slope with minimal erosion and minimal negative impacts to water quality;
(3)(A) no more than 20 percent of the protected shoreland area of the parcel shall consist of impervious surface; or
(B) best management practices will be used to manage, treat, and control erosion due to stormwater runoff from that portion of impervious surface that exceeds 20 percent of the protected shoreland area;
(4)(A) no more than 40 percent of the protected shoreland area of the parcel shall consist of cleared area, including area cleared for the purposes of creating impervious surface; or
(B) best management practices will be used to provide erosion control, bank stability, and wildlife habitat functionally equivalent to that which would be provided by clearing less than 40 percent of the protected shoreland area; and
(5) vegetative cover shall be managed according to the requirements of section 1447 of this title.
(b) Repair of highway, State forest highway, management road, or private road. Under this chapter, when the repair, emergency repair, or replacement of a highway, management road, State forest highway, or private road results in the construction, creation, or expansion of impervious surface or cleared area on a property adjacent to the highway, management road, State forest highway, or private road, the impervious surface or cleared area constructed or created on the adjacent property shall not be calculated as square footage of impervious surface or cleared area for purposes of permitting or registration under this chapter.
(c) Calculation of area. Under this chapter, the area of constructed, created, or expanded impervious surface or cleared area shall be the square footage as measured on a horizontal plane. (Added 2013, No. 172 (Adj. Sess.), § 2.)