§ 132. Chair and Secretary
The Governor shall be Chair, and the Secretary of Civil and Military Affairs shall be Secretary of the Board. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of each meeting of the Board in a book kept for that purpose, and such minutes shall be a public record, and certified copies of such record shall be furnished the Auditor and the Treasurer.
Structure Vermont Statutes
Title 32 - Taxation and Finance
Chapter 3 - Fiscal Officers and Commissions
§ 101. Communications to Governor and Assembly
§ 104. Balance due retiring Treasurer
§ 105. Settlement upon death of Treasurer
§ 106. Penalty for refusal to settle
§ 107. Books and records delivered to successor
§ 109. Solicitations and contributions prohibited
§ 111. Financial Literacy Trust Fund
§ 163. Duties of the Auditor of Accounts
§ 166. Payments to towns; returns by Commissioner of Finance and Management
§ 167. Records to be available for audit
§ 168. Single Audit Revolving Fund
§ 183. Financial and Human Resource Information Internal Service Fund