Vermont Statutes
Chapter 203 - Organization and Management of Mutual and Cooperative Financial Institutions
§ 13103. Requirements to commence business; minimum initial capital contribution deposits; examination; certificate of authority

§ 13103. Requirements to commence business; minimum initial capital contribution deposits; examination; certificate of authority
(a) At the time the certificate of general good is issued, the Commissioner shall issue an order granting permission to organize which shall set forth the minimum amount of capital deposits that the mutual or cooperative financial institution will be required to have to commence business, which in no event shall be less than $250,000.00.
(b) The Commissioner may set different minimum capital deposit requirements for different types of financial institutions, and in determining the minimum amount of capital deposits for a financial institution, may consider such factors as the population of the area where the proposed institution is to be located, competition among financial institutions in that locale, the projected volume and type of business to be conducted, the inherent risks in the business to be conducted, and the need to protect depositors and other creditors of the institution.
(c) All capital deposits shall be in the form of cash, unless otherwise approved by the Commissioner.
(d) Upon receipt of a certificate of general good pursuant to section 13102 of this title, the organizers set forth in the application for permission to organize shall hold the institution’s franchise until such time as the requirements of this subchapter are met or the Commissioner determines that said requirements have not been met.
(e)(1) Within 30 days of receipt of a certificate of general good pursuant to section 13102 of this title, the first meeting of the organizers of the financial institution shall be called by a notice signed by that organizer who was designated in the application for that purpose, or by a majority of the organizers. Such notice shall state the time, place, and purposes of the meeting. A copy of the notice shall be given to each organizer at least three days before the date appointed for the meeting, or left at each organizer’s residence or usual place of business, or deposited in the post office and addressed to such an organizer at that organizer’s residence or usual place of business, and another copy thereof, together with an affidavit of one of the organizers that the notice has been duly served, shall be recorded with the records of the institution. If all the organizers, in writing indorsed upon the application to organize, waive such notice and fix the time, place, and purposes of the meeting, no notice is required.
(2) At the first meeting and thereafter, the organizers of a mutual financial institution shall be known as the “corporators” and the organizers of a cooperative financial institution shall be known as the “incorporators.”
(3) At such meeting or at any adjournment thereof, the corporators or incorporators shall by ballot select a temporary secretary, adopt the organizational documents of the institution and, in such manner as the internal governance document or the law provides, elect directors and officers. All persons so elected shall qualify for their offices as provided in subchapters 4 and 5 of this chapter.
(4) The temporary secretary shall make and attest a record of the proceedings until the secretary has been chosen and sworn, including a record of such choice and qualification.
(5) The secretary shall file copies of the organizational documents with the Commissioner within 10 days of their adoption. Within 15 business days of receipt, the Commissioner shall, after examining such organizational documents for conformance with the requirements of this title and other applicable law, approve or disapprove of the filed documents. (Added 1999, No. 153 (Adj. Sess.), § 2, eff. Jan. 1, 2001.)