Vermont Statutes
Chapter 8 - Geographic Information
§ 122. Vermont Center for Geographic Information, incorporated; establishment

§ 122. Vermont Center for Geographic Information, incorporated; establishment
(a) The State of Vermont shall support a comprehensive strategy for the development and use of a geographic information system, including:
(1) data and mapping standards;
(2) potential applications and their priorities;
(3) priorities for collecting and digitizing information;
(4) geographic location standards for all data collection;
(5) software and hardware standards;
(6) management needs;
(7) private sector cooperation;
(8) costs and benefits of use;
(9) [Repealed.]
(10) ways to make information gathered available to regional and municipal entities, commercial entities, the public, and others;
(11) ways to assure that data gathered by governmental entities conforms to the geographic information system;
(12) an implementation schedule.
(b) In order to develop and implement that strategy, and to ensure that all data gathered by State agencies that is relevant to the VGIS shall be in a form that is compatible with, useful to, and shared with that geographic information system, there is hereby established the Vermont Center for Geographic Information (the Center) as a unit of the Data Management Division under the Agency of Digital Services.
(c) [Repealed.] (Added 1993, No. 204 (Adj. Sess.), § 2, eff. June 17, 1994; amended 2013, No. 179 (Adj. Sess.), § E.800.1; 2018, No. 11 (Sp. Sess.), § F.101; 2019, No. 49, § 6, eff. June 10, 2019.)