§ 122. Contracting for programming and services
For the purpose of securing programming and services for offenders, the Department of Corrections shall publicly advertise or invite three or more bids. The contract for any such programming and services shall be awarded to one of the three lowest responsible bidders, conforming to specification, with consideration being given to the time required for provision of services, the purpose for which it is required, competency and responsibility of bidder, and his or her ability to render satisfactory services; but the Commissioner with the approval of the Secretary of Human Services shall have the right to reject any and all bids and to invite other bids. (Added 2011, No. 41, § 11a.)
Structure Vermont Statutes
Title 28 - Public Institutions and Corrections
Chapter 3 - Administration of the Department
§ 101. Powers of the Department
§ 102. Commissioner of Corrections; appointment; powers; responsibilities
§ 103. Inquiries and investigations into the administration of the Department
§ 104. Notification of community placements
§ 106. Systems approach to community supervision of sex offenders
§ 107. Offender and inmate records; confidentiality; exceptions; corrections
§ 120. Department of Corrections education program; independent school
§ 121. Community High School of Vermont Board
§ 122. Contracting for programming and services
§ 123. Department of Corrections Monitoring Commission
§ 124. Department of Corrections; Corrections Investigative Unit