§ 1216. Construction
(a) Nothing herein shall be construed as meaning that a licensed funeral establishment shall not have the right to prepare at the residence or place of death or some place approved by the local board of health a dead human body for burial.
(b) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent a funeral director licensed in another state from performing the duties of a funeral director in this State provided a licensed funeral director in this State is granted similar powers in such other state.
Structure Vermont Statutes
Title 26 - Professions and Occupations
§ 1212. Advisor appointees; Director duties; rules
§ 1213. Inspection of premises
§ 1215. Penalties; jurisdiction of offenses
§ 1252. Application; qualifications
§ 1252. Application; qualifications
§ 1254. Issuance or denial of license
§ 1254. Issuance or denial of license
§ 1256. Renewal of registration or license
§ 1257. Unprofessional conduct
§ 1272. Rules; prepaid funeral funds
§ 1272a. Activities connected with funeral
§ 1274. Transfer of contracts and assets
§ 1275. Duties of escrow agents
§ 1276. Embalming fluids and compounds; sale or use; prohibition