Vermont Statutes
Chapter 43 - Dams
§ 1110. Rulemaking

§ 1110. Rulemaking
The Commissioner of Environmental Conservation shall adopt rules to implement the requirements of this chapter for dams under the jurisdiction of the Department. The rules shall include:
(1) a standard or regulatory threshold under which a dam is exempt from the registration or inspection requirements of this chapter;
(2) standards for:
(A) the siting, design, construction, reconstruction, enlargement, modification, or alteration of a dam;
(B) operation and maintenance of a dam;
(C) inspection, monitoring, record keeping, and reporting;
(D) repair, breach, or removal of a dam;
(E) application for authorization under section 1082 of this title; and
(F) the development of an emergency action plan for a dam, including guidance on how to develop an emergency action plan, the content of a plan, and when and how an emergency action plan should be updated;
(3) criteria for the hazard potential classification of dams in the State;
(4) a process by which a person owning legal title to a dam or a person owning the land on which the dam is located shall register a dam and record the existence of the dam in the lands records; and
(5) requirements for the person owning legal title to a dam or the person owning the land on which the dam is located to conduct inspections of the dam. (Added 2017, No. 161 (Adj. Sess.), § 1.)