Vermont Statutes
Chapter 1 - Economic Development
§ 10. Vermont State Treasurer; credit facility for local investments

§ 10. Vermont State Treasurer; credit facility for local investments
(a) Notwithstanding any provision of 32 V.S.A. § 433(a) to the contrary, the Vermont State Treasurer shall have the authority to establish a credit facility of up to 10 percent of the State’s average cash balance on terms acceptable to the Treasurer and consistent with prudent investment principles and guidelines pursuant to 32 V.S.A. § 433(b)-(c) and the Uniform Prudent Investor Act, 14A V.S.A. chapter 9.
(b) The Treasurer may use amounts available under this section to provide financing for infrastructure projects in Vermont mobile home parks and may modify the terms of such financing in his or her discretion as is necessary to promote the availability of mobile home park housing and to protect the interests of the State. (Added 2015, No. 157 (Adj. Sess.), § F.9; 2019, No. 179 (Adj. Sess.), § 6, eff. Oct. 12, 2020.)