Utah Code
Title 11 - Cities, Counties, and Local Taxing Units
Chapter 34 - Foreign Currency Bonds

Structure Utah Code

Utah Code

Title 11 - Cities, Counties, and Local Taxing Units

Chapter 1 - Bonds and Warrants

Chapter 2 - Playgrounds

Chapter 3 - County and Municipal Fireworks Act

Chapter 4 - Standard Fire-Fighting Equipment

Chapter 6 - Pawnbrokers and Secondhand Dealers

Chapter 7 - Fire Protection

Chapter 8 - Sewage and Culinary Water Systems

Chapter 10 - Business Allowing Consumption of Liquor on Premises

Chapter 13 - Interlocal Cooperation Act

Chapter 13a - Governmental Nonprofit Corporations Act

Chapter 14 - Local Government Bonding Act

Chapter 14a - Notice of Debt Issuance

Chapter 17 - Utah Industrial Facilities and Development Act

Chapter 21 - Cycle Registration

Chapter 25 - Utah Residential Rehabilitation Act

Chapter 26 - Limitations on Local Taxes and Fees on Utilities

Chapter 27 - Utah Refunding Bond Act

Chapter 30 - Utah Bond Validation Act

Chapter 31 - Utah Public Finance Act

Chapter 32 - Utah Interlocal Financing Authority Act

Chapter 34 - Foreign Currency Bonds

Chapter 36a - Impact Fees Act

Chapter 39 - Building Improvements and Public Works Projects

Chapter 40 - Criminal Background Checks by Political Subdivisions Operating Water Systems

Chapter 41 - Prohibition on Retail Facility Incentive Payments Act

Chapter 42 - Assessment Area Act

Chapter 42a - Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy Act

Chapter 42b - Convention and Tourism Business Assessment Area Act

Chapter 43 - Memorials and Public Land

Chapter 44 - Performance Efficiency Act

Chapter 45 - Loan Program for Energy Efficiency Projects

Chapter 46 - Animal Welfare Act

Chapter 47 - Access to Elected Officials

Chapter 48 - Emergency Response

Chapter 50 - Political Subdivision Financial Reporting Certification

Chapter 51 - Local Jurisdiction Related to Federally Managed Land Act

Chapter 51a - Catastrophic Public Nuisance Act

Chapter 52 - Contingency Plans

Chapter 54 - Local Government Sale of Procurement Item

Chapter 55 - Political Subdivision Board Compensation

Chapter 56 - Food Truck Licensing and Regulation Act

Chapter 57 - Personal Use Expenditures for Political Subdivision Officers and Employees

Chapter 58 - Utah Inland Port Authority Act

Chapter 59 - Point of the Mountain State Land Authority Act

Chapter 60 - Political Subdivision Lien Authority

Chapter 61 - Expressive Activity Regulation by Local Government Act

Chapter 62 - Imposition of Fines by a County, City, or Town

Chapter 63 - Trampoline Park Safety

Chapter 64 - Investigation Reviews

Chapter 65 - Utah Lake Authority Act

Chapter 66 - All-terrain Vehicle Regulation

Chapter 67 - Battery-charged Suspended-wire System