US Code
§ 950. Designation, powers, and accountability of deputy disbursing officials

(a)(1) Subject to paragraph (3), a disbursing official of the Coast Guard may designate a deputy disbursing official—(A) to make payments as the agent of the disbursing official;
(B) to sign checks drawn on disbursing accounts of the Secretary of the Treasury; and
(C) to carry out other duties required under law.
(2) The penalties for misconduct that apply to a disbursing official apply to a deputy disbursing official designated under this subsection.
(3) A disbursing official may make a designation under paragraph (1) only with the approval of the Secretary.
(b)(1) If a disbursing official of the Coast Guard dies, becomes disabled, or is separated from office, a deputy disbursing official may continue the accounts and payments in the name of the former disbursing official until the last day of the second month after the month in which the death, disability, or separation occurs. The accounts and payments shall be allowed, audited, and settled as provided by law. The Secretary of the Treasury shall honor checks signed in the name of the former disbursing official in the same way as if the former disbursing official had continued in office.
(2) The deputy disbursing official, and not the former disbursing official or the estate of the former disbursing official, is liable for the actions of the deputy disbursing official under this subsection.
(c)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), this section does not apply to the Coast Guard when section 2773 of title 10 applies to the Coast Guard by reason of the operation of the Coast Guard as a service in the Navy.
(2) A designation of a deputy disbursing official under subsection (a) that is made while the Coast Guard is not operating as a service in the Navy continues in effect for purposes of section 2773 of title 10 while the Coast Guard operates as a service in the Navy unless and until the designation is terminated by the disbursing official who made the designation or an official authorized to approve such a designation under subsection (a)(3) of such section.

Structure US Code

US Code





§ 931. Oaths required for boards

§ 932. Administration of oaths

§ 933. Coast Guard ensigns and pennants

§ 934. Penalty for unauthorized use of words “Coast Guard”

§ 935. Coast Guard band recordings for commercial sale

§ 936. Confidentiality of medical quality assurance records; qualified immunity for participants

§ 937. Admiralty claims against the United States

§ 938. Claims for damage to property of the United States

§ 939. Accounting for industrial work

§ 940. Supplies and equipment from stock

§ 941. Coast Guard Supply Fund

§ 942. Public and commercial vessels and other watercraft; sale of fuel, supplies, and services

§ 943. Arms and ammunition; immunity from taxation

§ 944. Confidential investigative expenses

§ 945. Assistance to film producers

§ 946. User fees

§ 947. Vessel construction bonding requirements

§ 948. Contracts for medical care for retirees, dependents, and survivors: alternative delivery of health care

§ 949. Telephone installation and charges

§ 950. Designation, powers, and accountability of deputy disbursing officials

§ 951. Aircraft accident investigations

§ 952. Construction of Coast Guard vessels and assignment of vessel projects

§ 953. Support for Coast Guard Academy

§ 954. Mixed-funded athletic and recreational extracurricular programs