US Code
§ 78qq. Small Business Capital Formation Advisory Committee

(a) Establishment and purpose(1) EstablishmentThere is established within the Commission the Small Business Capital Formation Advisory Committee (hereafter in this section referred to as the “Committee”).
(2) Functions(A) In generalThe Committee shall provide the Commission with advice on the Commission’s rules, regulations, and policies with regard to the Commission’s mission of protecting investors, maintaining fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and facilitating capital formation, as such rules, regulations, and policies relate to—(i) capital raising by emerging, privately held small businesses (“emerging companies”) and publicly traded companies with less than $250,000,000 in public market capitalization (“smaller public companies”) through securities offerings, including private and limited offerings and initial and other public offerings;
(ii) trading in the securities of emerging companies and smaller public companies; and
(iii) public reporting and corporate governance requirements of emerging companies and smaller public companies.
(B) LimitationThe Committee shall not provide any advice with respect to any policies, practices, actions, or decisions concerning the Commission’s enforcement program.
(b) Membership(1) In generalThe members of the Committee shall be—(A) the Advocate for Small Business Capital Formation;
(B) not fewer than 10, and not more than 20, members appointed by the Commission, from among individuals—(i) who represent—(I) emerging companies engaging in private and limited securities offerings or considering initial public offerings (“IPO”) (including the companies’ officers and directors);
(II) the professional advisors of such companies (including attorneys, accountants, investment bankers, and financial advisors); and
(III) the investors in such companies (including angel investors, venture capital funds, and family offices);
(ii) who are officers or directors of minority-owned small businesses or women-owned small businesses;
(iii) who represent—(I) smaller public companies (including the companies’ officers and directors);
(II) the professional advisors of such companies (including attorneys, auditors, underwriters, and financial advisors); and
(III) the pre-IPO and post-IPO investors in such companies (both institutional, such as venture capital funds, and individual, such as angel investors); and
(iv) who represent participants in the marketplace for the securities of emerging companies and smaller public companies, such as securities exchanges, alternative trading systems, analysts, information processors, and transfer agents; and
(C) three non-voting members—(i) one of whom shall be appointed by the Investor Advocate;
(ii) one of whom shall be appointed by the North American Securities Administrators Association; and
(iii) one of whom shall be appointed by the Administrator of the Small Business Administration.
(2) TermEach member of the Committee appointed under subparagraph (B), (C)(ii), or (C)(iii) of paragraph (1) shall serve for a term of 4 years.
(3) Members not Commission employeesMembers appointed under subparagraph (B), (C)(ii), or (C)(iii) of paragraph (1) shall not be treated as employees or agents of the Commission solely because of membership on the Committee.
(c) Chairman; vice chairman; secretary; assistant secretary(1) In generalThe members of the Committee shall elect, from among the members of the Committee—(A) a chairman;
(B) a vice chairman;
(C) a secretary; and
(D) an assistant secretary.
(2) TermEach member elected under paragraph (1) shall serve for a term of 3 years in the capacity for which the member was elected under paragraph (1).
(d) Meetings(1) Frequency of meetingsThe Committee shall meet—(A) not less frequently than four times annually, at the call of the chairman of the Committee; and
(B) from time to time, at the call of the Commission.
(2) NoticeThe chairman of the Committee shall give the members of the Committee written notice of each meeting, not later than 2 weeks before the date of the meeting.
(e) Compensation and travel expensesEach member of the Committee who is not a full-time employee of the United States shall—(1) be entitled to receive compensation at a rate not to exceed the daily equivalent of the annual rate of basic pay in effect for a position at level V of the Executive Schedule under section 5316 of title 5 for each day during which the member is engaged in the actual performance of the duties of the Committee; and
(2) while away from the home or regular place of business of the member in the performance of services for the Committee, be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, in the same manner as persons employed intermittently in the Government service are allowed expenses under section 5703 of title 5.
(f) StaffThe Commission shall make available to the Committee such staff as the chairman of the Committee determines are necessary to carry out this section.
(g) Review by CommissionThe Commission shall—(1) review the findings and recommendations of the Committee; and
(2) each time the Committee submits a finding or recommendation to the Commission, promptly issue a public statement—(A) assessing the finding or recommendation of the Committee; and
(B) disclosing the action, if any, the Commission intends to take with respect to the finding or recommendation.
(h) Federal Advisory Committee ActThe Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App.) 11 See References in Text note below. shall not apply with respect to the Committee and its activities.

Structure US Code

US Code



§ 78a. Short title

§ 78b. Necessity for regulation

§ 78c. Definitions and application

§ 78c–1. Swap agreements

§ 78c–2. Securities-related derivatives

§ 78c–3. Clearing for security-based swaps

§ 78c–4. Security-based swap execution facilities

§ 78c–5. Segregation of assets held as collateral in security-based swap transactions

§ 78d. Securities and Exchange Commission

§ 78d–1. Delegation of functions by Commission

§ 78d–2. Transfer of functions with respect to assignment of personnel to chairman

§ 78d–3. Appearance and practice before the Commission

§ 78d–4. Additional duties of Inspector General

§ 78d–5. Deadline for completing enforcement investigations and compliance examinations and inspections

§ 78d–6. Report and certification of internal supervisory controls

§ 78d–7. Triennial report on personnel management

§ 78d–8. Annual financial controls audit

§ 78d–9. Report on oversight of national securities associations

§ 78e. Transactions on unregistered exchanges

§ 78f. National securities exchanges

§ 78g. Margin requirements

§ 78h. Restrictions on borrowing and lending by members, brokers, and dealers

§ 78i. Manipulation of security prices

§ 78j. Manipulative and deceptive devices

§ 78j–1. Audit requirements

§ 78j–2. Position limits and position accountability for security-based swaps and large trader reporting

§ 78j–3. Compensation committees

§ 78j–4. Recovery of erroneously awarded compensation policy

§ 78k. Trading by members of exchanges, brokers, and dealers

§ 78k–1. National market system for securities; securities information processors

§ 78l. Registration requirements for securities

§ 78l–1. Applications for unlisted trading privileges deemed filed under

§ 78m. Periodical and other reports

§ 78m–1. Reporting and recordkeeping for certain security-based swaps

§ 78m–2. Reporting requirements regarding coal or other mine safety

§ 78n. Proxies

§ 78n–1. Shareholder approval of executive compensation

§ 78n–2. Corporate governance

§ 78o. Registration and regulation of brokers and dealers

§ 78o–1. Brokers deemed to be registered

§ 78o–2. Liabilities arising prior to amendment unaffected

§ 78o–3. Registered securities associations

§ 78o–4. Municipal securities

§ 78o–4a. Commission Office of Municipal Securities

§ 78o–5. Government securities brokers and dealers

§ 78o–6. Securities analysts and research reports

§ 78o–7. Registration of nationally recognized statistical rating organizations

§ 78o–8. Universal ratings symbols

§ 78o–9. Study and rulemaking on assigned credit ratings

§ 78o–10. Registration and regulation of security-based swap dealers and major security-based swap participants

§ 78o–11. Credit risk retention

§ 78p. Directors, officers, and principal stockholders

§ 78q. Records and reports

§ 78q–1. National system for clearance and settlement of securities transactions

§ 78q–2. Automated quotation systems for penny stocks

§ 78r. Liability for misleading statements

§ 78s. Registration, responsibilities, and oversight of self-regulatory organizations

§ 78t. Liability of controlling persons and persons who aid and abet violations

§ 78t–1. Liability to contemporaneous traders for insider trading

§ 78u. Investigations and actions

§ 78u–1. Civil penalties for insider trading

§ 78u–2. Civil remedies in administrative proceedings

§ 78u–3. Cease-and-desist proceedings

§ 78u–4. Private securities litigation

§ 78u–5. Application of safe harbor for forward-looking statements

§ 78u–6. Securities whistleblower incentives and protection

§ 78u–7. Implementation and transition provisions for whistleblower protection

§ 78v. Hearings by Commission

§ 78w. Rules, regulations, and orders; annual reports

§ 78x. Public availability of information

§ 78y. Court review of orders and rules

§ 78z. Unlawful representations

§ 78aa. Jurisdiction of offenses and suits

§ 78aa–1. Special provision relating to statute of limitations on private causes of action

§ 78bb. Effect on existing law

§ 78cc. Validity of contracts

§ 78dd. Foreign securities exchanges

§ 78dd–1. Prohibited foreign trade practices by issuers

§ 78dd–2. Prohibited foreign trade practices by domestic concerns

§ 78dd–3. Prohibited foreign trade practices by persons other than issuers or domestic concerns

§ 78ee. Transaction fees

§ 78ff. Penalties

§ 78gg. Separability

§ 78hh. Effective date

§ 78hh–1. Effective date of certain sections

§ 78ii. Omitted

§ 78jj. Repealed. , ,

§ 78kk. Authorization of appropriations

§ 78ll. Requirements for the EDGAR system

§ 78mm. General exemptive authority

§ 78nn. Tennessee Valley Authority

§ 78oo. Federal National Mortgage Association, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, Federal Home Loan Banks

§ 78pp. Investor Advisory Committee

§ 78qq. Small Business Capital Formation Advisory Committee

§ 78rr. Data standards for security-based swap reporting