The Secretary, in accordance with any agreements entered into pursuant to , is authorized (1) to conduct such investigations, engineering and biological surveys, and research as may be desirable to carry out the program; (2) to carry out stream clearance activities; (3) to construct, install, maintain, and operate devices and structures for the improvement of feeding and spawning conditions, for the protection of fishery resources, and for facilitating the free migration of the fish, and for the control of the sea lamprey; (4) to construct, operate, and maintain fish hatcheries wherever necessary to accomplish the purposes of sections 757a to 757f of this title; (5) to conduct such studies and make such recommendations as the Secretary determines to be appropriate regarding the development and management of any stream or other body of water for the conservation and enhancement of anadromous fishery resources and the fish in the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain that ascend streams to spawn: , That the reports on such studies and the recommendations of the Secretary shall be transmitted to the States, the Congress, and the Federal water resources construction agencies for their information: , That sections 757a to 757f of this title shall not be construed as authorizing the formulation or construction of water resources projects, except that water resources projects which are determined by the Seretary to be needed solely for the conservation, protection, and enhancement of such fish may be planned and constructed by the Bureau of Reclamation in its currently authorized geographic area of responsibility or by the Corps of Engineers, or by the Department of Agriculture, or by the States, with funds made available by the Secretary under sections 757a to 757f of this title and subject to the cost-sharing and appropriations provisions of sections 757a to 757f of this title; (6) to acquire lands or interests therein by purchase, lease, donation, or exchange for acquired lands or public lands under his jurisdiction which he finds suitable for disposition: , That the lands or interests therein so exchanged shall involve approximately equal values, as determined by the Secretary: , That the Secretary may accept cash from, or pay cash to, the grantor in such an exchange in order to equalize the values of the properties exchanged; (7) to accept donations of funds and to use such funds to acquire or manage lands or interests therein; and (8) to administer such lands or interests therein for the purposes of sections 757a to 757f of this title. Title to lands or interests therein acquired pursuant to sections 757a to 757f of this title shall be in the cooperating States or other non-Federal interests.
Structure US Code
§ 755. Salmon-cultural stations; establishment; expenditure of funds
§ 757. Utilization of State services; expenditure of funds
§ 757a. Anadromous, Great Lakes, and Lake Champlain fisheries
§ 757c. Approval for activities on land administered by other Federal departments or agencies
§ 757d. Authorization of appropriations
§ 757e. Application to Columbia River basin
§ 757f. Studies on pollution; recommendations to Secretary of Health and Human Services
§ 758a. Conduct of explorations and related work in Pacific Ocean
§ 758b. Cooperation with agencies, organizations, and others
§ 758d. Pacific Ocean activities; future appropriations
§ 758e. Central, Western, and South Pacific Ocean fisheries development program
§ 758e–3. Regulations; contract terms and conditions
§ 758e–4. “Central, Western, and South Pacific Ocean area” defined
§ 758e–5. Authorization of appropriations
§ 760. Establishment of rearing ponds and fish hatchery in Kentucky
§ 760–1. Kentucky fish hatchery; authorization of appropriations
§ 760–2. Establishment of fish hatchery in Montana
§ 760–3. Establishment of trout hatchery in Pisgah National Forest
§ 760–4. Establishment of trout hatchery at Pittsford, Vermont
§ 760–5. Establishment of fish hatchery at Paint Bank, Virginia
§ 760–6. Virginia fish hatchery; authorization of appropriations
§ 760–7. Establishment of fish hatchery in West Virginia
§ 760–8. West Virginia fish hatchery; authorization of appropriations
§ 760–9. Establishment of fish hatchery in Pennsylvania
§ 760–10. Pennsylvania fish hatchery; authorization of appropriations
§ 760–11. Acceptance and development of fish hatchery in South Carolina
§ 760–12. South Carolina fish hatchery; authorization of appropriations
§ 760a. Atlantic Coast fish study for development and protection of fish resources
§ 760b. Equipment for studies; cooperation of Federal departments and agencies
§ 760c. Studies; authorization of appropriations
§ 760d. Grants for education and training of personnel in the field of commercial fishing
§ 760e. Study of migratory game fish; waters; research; purpose
§ 760g. Authorization of appropriations for migratory game fish study