US Code
§ 7274. Medal of honor; distinguished-service cross; distinguished-service medal: limitations on award

(a) No more than one distinguished-service cross or distinguished-service medal may be awarded to a person. However, for each succeeding act that would otherwise justify the award of such a medal or cross, the President may award a suitable bar or other device to be worn as he directs.
(b) Except as provided in subsection (c), no medal of honor, distinguished-service cross, distinguished-service medal, or device in place thereof, may be awarded to a person unless—(1) the award is made within five years after the date of the act justifying the award;
(2) a statement setting forth the distinguished service and recommending official recognition of it was made within three years after the distinguished service; and
(3) it appears from records of the Department of the Army that the person is entitled to the award.
(c) If the Secretary of the Army determines that—(1) a statement setting forth the distinguished service and recommending official recognition of it was made and supported by sufficient evidence within three years after the distinguished service; and
(2) no award was made, because the statement was lost or through inadvertence the recommendation was not acted on;
a medal of honor, distinguished-service cross, distinguished-service medal, or device in place thereof, as the case may be, may be awarded to the person concerned within two years after the date of that determination.