US Code
§ 679c. Expansion of Food Safety Inspection Service activities

(a) In generalThe Secretary of Agriculture may utilize existing authorities to give high priority to enhancing and expanding the capacity of the Food Safety Inspection Service to conduct activities to—(1) enhance the ability of the Service to inspect and ensure the safety and wholesomeness of meat and poultry products;
(2) improve the capacity of the Service to inspect international meat and meat products, poultry and poultry products, and egg products at points of origin and at ports of entry;
(3) strengthen the ability of the Service to collaborate with relevant agencies within the Department of Agriculture and with other entities in the Federal Government, the States, and Indian tribes (as defined in section 5304(e) of title 25) through the sharing of information and technology; and
(4) otherwise expand the capacity of the Service to protect against the threat of bioterrorism.
(b) Authorization of appropriationsThere is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section, $15,000,000 for fiscal year 2002, and such sums as may be necessary for each subsequent fiscal year.

Structure US Code

US Code




§ 671. Inspection services; refusal or withdrawal; hearing; business unfitness based upon certain convictions; other provisions for withdrawal of services unaffected; responsible connection with business; finality of Secretary’s actions; judicial review; record

§ 672. Administrative detention; duration; pending judicial proceedings; notification of governmental authorities; release

§ 673. Seizure and condemnation

§ 674. Federal court jurisdiction of enforcement and injunction proceedings and other kinds of cases; limitations of

§ 675. Assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain persons; murder; protection of such persons

§ 676. Violations

§ 677. Other Federal laws applicable for administration and enforcement of chapter; location of inquiries; jurisdiction of Federal courts

§ 678. Non-Federal jurisdiction of federally regulated matters; prohibition of additional or different requirements for establishments with inspection services and as to marking, labeling, packaging, and ingredients; recordkeeping and related requirements; concurrent jurisdiction over distribution for human food purposes of adulterated or misbranded and imported articles; other matters

§ 679. Application of Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act

§ 679a. Safe Meat and Poultry Inspection Panel

§ 679b. Pasteurization of meat and poultry

§ 679c. Expansion of Food Safety Inspection Service activities

§ 680. Authorization of appropriations