US Code
§ 51314. Limitation on charges and fees for attendance

(a) Prohibition.—Except as provided in subsection (b), no charge or fee for tuition, room, or board for attendance at the United States Merchant Marine Academy may be imposed unless the charge or fee is specifically authorized by a law enacted after October 5, 1994.
(b) Exception.—The prohibition specified in subsection (a) does not apply with respect to any item or service provided to cadets for which a charge or fee is imposed as of October 5, 1994, or for calculators, computers, personal and academic supplies, midshipman services such as barber, tailor, or laundry services, and Coast Guard license fees. The Secretary of Transportation shall present at the next meeting of the Board of Visitors, and post on a publicly available website, any change made by the Academy in the amount of a charge or fee authorized under this subsection. Such fees shall be credited to the Maritime Administration’s Operations and Training appropriation, to remain available until expended, for those expenses directly related to the purposes of the fees. Fees collected in excess of actual expenses may be refunded to the Midshipmen through a mechanism approved by the Secretary. The Academy shall maintain a separate and detailed accounting of fee revenue and all associated expenses.

Structure US Code

US Code

Title 46— SHIPPING

Subtitle V— Merchant Marine

Part B— Merchant Marine Service


§ 51301. Maintenance of the Academy

§ 51302. Nomination and competitive appointment of cadets

§ 51303. Non-competitive appointments

§ 51304. Additional appointments from particular areas

§ 51305. Prohibited basis for appointment

§ 51306. Cadet commitment agreements

§ 51307. Places of training

§ 51308. Uniforms, textbooks, and transportation allowances

§ 51309. Academic degree

§ 51310. Deferment of service obligation under cadet commitment agreements

§ 51311. Midshipman status in the Navy Reserve

§ 51312. Board of Visitors

§ 51313. Advisory Board

§ 51314. Limitation on charges and fees for attendance

§ 51315. Gifts to the Merchant Marine Academy

§ 51316. Temporary appointments to the Academy

§ 51317. Adjunct professors

§ 51318. Policy on sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking

§ 51319. Sexual assault response coordinators and sexual assault victim advocates

§ 51320. Acceptance of guarantees with gifts for major projects

§ 51321. Grants for scientific and educational research

§ 51322. Protection of cadets from sexual assault onboard vessels

§ 51323. United States Merchant Marine Academy Advisory Council

§ 51324. Unfilled vacancies

§ 51325. Sexual assault and sexual harassment prevention information management system

§ 51326. Student advisory board at the United States Merchant Marine Academy

§ 51327. Sexual Assault Advisory Council

§ 51328. Student support