US Code
§ 49a. Definitions

(1) the terms “chief elected official”, “institution of higher education”, “one-stop center”, “one-stop partner”, “training services”, “workforce development activity”, and “workplace learning advisor”, have the meaning given the terms in section 3102 of this title;
(2) the term “local workforce development board” means a local workforce development board established under section 3122 of this title;
(3) the term “one-stop delivery system” means a one-stop delivery system described in section 3151(e) of this title;
(4) the term “Secretary” means the Secretary of Labor;
(5) the term “State” means any of the several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands; and
(6) the term “employment service office” means a local office of a State agency; and
(7) except in section 49l–2 of this title, the term “State agency”, used without further description, means an agency designated or authorized under section 49c of this title.