(a) EstablishmentThe Secretary may establish and operate a permanent Joint Interagency Homeland Security Task Force composed of representatives from military and civilian agencies of the United States Government for the purposes of anticipating terrorist threats against the United States and taking appropriate actions to prevent harm to the United States.
(b) StructureIt is the sense of Congress that the Secretary should model the Joint Interagency Homeland Security Task Force on the approach taken by the Joint Interagency Task Forces for drug interdiction at Key West, Florida and Alameda, California, to the maximum extent feasible and appropriate.
Structure US Code
Part H— Miscellaneous Provisions
§ 453. Use of appropriated funds
§ 453a. Additional uses of appropriated funds
§ 453c. Disposition of equines unfit for service
§ 454. Future Years Homeland Security Program
§ 455. Miscellaneous authorities
§ 457. Regulatory authority and preemption
§ 458. Office of Counternarcotics Enforcement
§ 459. Office of International Affairs
§ 460. Prohibition of the Terrorism Information and Prevention System
§ 461. Review of pay and benefit plans
§ 462. Office of National Capital Region Coordination
§ 464. Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers
§ 464b. Staffing accreditation function
§ 464d. Additional funds for training
§ 464e. Short-term medical services for students
§ 465. Joint Interagency Task Force
§ 468. Preserving Coast Guard mission performance
§ 469. Fees for credentialing and background investigations in transportation
§ 469a. Collection of fees from non-Federal participants in meetings
§ 470. Disclosures regarding homeland security grants
§ 471. Annual ammunition report
§ 474. Homeland security critical domain research and development