US Code
§ 430h. Vicksburg National Military Park

In order to commemorate the campaign, siege, and defense of Vicksburg, and to preserve the history of the battles and operations of the siege and defense on the ground where they were fought and carried on, the battlefield of Vicksburg, in the State of Mississippi, insofar as title to the same has been acquired by the United States and as the usual jurisdiction over the lands and roads of the same has heretofore been granted to the United States by the State of Mississippi, shall be a National Military Park. The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to enter into agreements of leasing upon such terms as he may prescribe with such persons, who were on , occupants or tenants of the lands, as may desire to remain upon them to occupy and cultivate their holdings, upon condition that they will preserve the then buildings and roads and the then outlines of field and forest, and that they will only cut trees and underbrush under such regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe, and that they will assist in caring for and protecting all tablets, monuments, or such other historical works as may from time to time be erected by proper authority: , That the United States shall at all times have and retain their right, power, and authority to take possession of any and all parts and portions of said premises, and to remove and expel therefrom any such occupant, tenant, or other person or persons found thereon whenever the Secretary of the Interior shall deem it proper or necessary; and such right, power, and authority shall be reserved in express terms in all leases and agreements giving or granting such occupant or tenant the right to remain in possession as herein contemplated; and thereupon said occupant or tenant or other persons who may be required to vacate said premises shall each and all of them at once surrender and deliver up the possession thereof. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Interior to cause to be restored the forts and lines of fortification, the parallels and the approaches of the two armies, or so much thereof as may be necessary to the purposes of this Park; to open and construct and repair such roads as may be necessary to said purposes, and to ascertain and to mark with historical tablets, or otherwise, the lines of battle of the troops engaged in the assaults, and the lines held by the troops during the siege and defense of Vicksburg, the headquarters of General Grant and of General Pemberton, and other historical points of interest pertaining to the siege and defense of Vicksburg within the Park or its vicinity; and the Secretary of the Interior shall have authority to do all things necessary to the purposes of the park, and he shall make and enforce all needful regulations for the care of the Park. It shall be lawful for any State that had troops engaged in the siege and defense of Vicksburg to enter upon the lands of the Vicksburg National Military Park for the purpose of ascertaining and marking the lines of battle of its troops engaged therein: , That before any such lines are permanently designated the position of the lines and the proposed methods of marking them by monuments, tablets, or otherwise shall be submitted to and approved by the Secretary of the Interior, and all such lines, designs, and inscriptions for the same shall first receive the written approval of the Secretary of the Interior; and no monument, tablet, or other designating indication shall be erected or placed within said park or vicinity without such written authority of the Secretary of the Interior: , That no discrimination shall be made against any State as to the manner of designating lines, but any grant made to any State by the Secretary of the Interior may be used by any other State. The provisions of this section shall also apply to organizations and persons; and as the Vicksburg National Cemetery is on ground partly occupied by Federal lines during the siege of Vicksburg, the provisions of this section, as far as may be practicable, shall apply to monuments or tablets designating such lines within the limits of that cemetery. If any person shall, except by permission of the Secretary of the Interior, destroy, mutilate, deface, injure, or remove any monument, column, statue, memorial structure, tablet, or work of art that shall be erected or placed upon the grounds of the park by lawful authority, or shall destroy or remove any fence, railing, inclosure, or other work intended for the protection or ornamentation of said park, or any portion thereof, or shall destroy, cut, hack, bark, break down, or otherwise injure any tree, bush, or shrub that may be growing upon said park, or shall cut down or fell or remove any timber, battle relic, tree, or trees growing or being upon said park, or hunt within the limits of the park, or shall remove or destroy any breastworks, earthworks, walls, or other defenses or shelter or any part thereof constructed by the armies formerly engaged in the battles, on the lands or approaches to the park, any person so offending and found guilty thereof, before any United States magistrate judge or court, justice of the peace of the county in which the offense may be committed, or any court of competent jurisdiction, shall for each and every such offense forfeit and pay a fine in the discretion of the said magistrate judge or court of the United States or justice of the peace, according to the aggravation of the offense, of not less than five nor more than five hundred dollars, one-half for the use of the park and the other half to the informant, to be enforced and recovered before such United States magistrate judge or court or justice of the peace or other court in like manner as debts of like nature were, on , by law recoverable in the several counties where the offense may be committed.

Structure US Code

US Code




§ 411. Omitted

§ 412. Omitted

§ 413. Omitted

§ 414. Omitted

§ 415. Repealed. , as added , ,

§ 416. Omitted

§ 417. Omitted

§ 418. Repealed. ,

§ 419. Transferred

§ 420. Omitted

§ 421. Omitted

§ 422. Moores Creek National Battlefield; establishment

§ 422a. Acceptance of lands

§ 422a–1. Acquisition of property

§ 422a–2. Authorization of appropriations

§ 422b. Duties of Secretary of the Interior

§ 422c. Ascertaining and marking of lines of battle

§ 422d. Monuments, etc., protected

§ 423. Petersburg National Battlefield; establishment

§ 423a. Acceptance of donations of lands

§ 423a–1. Addition of lands

§ 423a–2. Adjustment of boundary

§ 423a–3. Petersburg National Battlefield boundary modification

§ 423b. Commission; organization

§ 423c. Duties of commission

§ 423d. Acceptance and disposition of gifts

§ 423e. Ascertaining and marking lines of battle

§ 423f. Protection of monuments, etc.

§ 423g. Rules and regulations

§ 423h. Report of completion; superintendent of battlefield

§ 423h–1. Redesignation of park

§ 423h–2. Acquisition of lands; publication in Federal Register; administration

§ 423h–3. Authorization of appropriation

§ 423i. Omitted

§§ 423j to 423l. Repealed. , ,

§ 423l–1. Short title; definitions

§ 423l–2. Findings and purpose

§ 423l–3. Richmond National Battlefield Park; boundaries

§ 423l–4. Land acquisition

§ 423l–5. Park administration

§ 423l–6. Authorization of appropriations

§ 423m. Eutaw Springs Battlefield Site; establishment; purpose

§ 423n. Acceptance of lands and funds; acquisition of lands

§ 423o. Administration, protection, and development

§ 424. Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park

§ 424–1. Acquisition of land

§ 424a. Acceptance of donations of lands

§ 424a–1. Acceptance of donations of lands and other property on Signal Mountain

§ 424a–2. Conveyance of portion of park to Georgia

§ 424a–3. Addition of surplus Government lands; publication of notice; effective date

§ 424a–4. Repealed. , ,

§ 424b. Application of laws to donated lands

§ 424c. Moccasin Bend National Archeological District

§ 425. Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania County Battle Fields Memorial; establishment

§ 425a. Acquisition of lands

§ 425b. Leasing lands for memorial

§ 425c. Commission; organization

§ 425d. Duties of commission

§ 425e. Acceptance and distribution of gifts

§ 425f. Ascertaining and marking lines of battle

§ 425g. Protection of monuments, etc.

§ 425h. Rules and regulations

§ 425i. Report of completion of acquisition of land and work of commission; superintendent of park

§ 425j. Authorization of appropriation

§ 425k. Revision of park boundaries

§ 425l. Acquisitions and conveyances

§ 425m. Retained rights

§ 425n. Interpretation

§ 425o. Authorization of appropriations

§ 426. Stones River National Battlefield; establishment; appointment of commission

§ 426a. Qualifications of members of commission

§ 426b. Duties of commission

§ 426c. Assistants to commission; expenses of commission

§ 426d. Receipt of report of commission by Secretary of the Interior; acquisition of land for battlefield; other duties of Secretary

§ 426e. Lands acquired declared national battlefield; name

§ 426f. Control of battlefield; regulations

§ 426g. Occupation of lands by former owners

§ 426h. Ascertaining and marking lines of battle

§ 426i. Protection of monuments, etc.

§ 426j. Authorization of appropriation; fixing of boundaries as condition to purchase of lands

§ 426k. Acquisition of additional lands

§ 426l. Redesignation; availability of appropriations

§ 426m. Administration, protection, and development

§ 426n. Boundary revision of Stones River National Battlefield

§ 426o. Agreement with Murfreesboro, Tennessee, respecting battlefield

§ 426o–1. Planning

§ 426p. Authorization of appropriations

§ 427. Site of battle with Sioux Indians; purchase; erection of monument

§ 427a. Omitted

§ 428. Fort Donelson National Battlefield; establishment; appointment of commission

§ 428a. Qualifications of members of commission

§ 428b. Duties of commission

§ 428c. Assistants to commission; expenses of commission

§ 428d. Receipt of report of commission by Secretary of the Interior; acquisition of land for battlefield; other duties of Secretary

§ 428d–1. Acquisition of additional lands

§ 428d–2. Acceptance of donations by Secretary of the Interior

§ 428d–3. Administration, protection, and development

§ 428e. Lands acquired declared national battlefield; name

§ 428f. Control of battlefield; regulations

§ 428g. Occupation of lands by former owners

§ 428h. Ascertaining and marking line of battle

§ 428i. Protection of monuments, etc.

§ 428j. Omitted

§ 428k. Addition of lands

§ 428l. Acquisition of lands; agreement for transfer of jurisdiction

§ 428m. Authorization of appropriation

§ 428n. Change in name to Fort Donelson National Battlefield

§ 428o. Administration, protection, and development

§ 428p. Fort Donelson National Battlefield

§ 428p–1. Land acquisition related to Fort Donelson National Battlefield

§ 428p–2. Administration of Fort Donelson National Battlefield

§ 429. Brices Cross Roads and Tupelo battlefields in Mississippi; establishment

§ 429a. Jurisdiction and control; authorization of annual appropriation

§ 429a–1. Tupelo National Battlefield; acquisition of additional lands

§ 429a–2. Change in name to Tupelo National Battlefield; administration

§ 429b. Manassas National Battlefield Park

§ 429b–1. Acquisition and use of lands

§ 429b–2. Retention of right of use and occupation of improved property by owner

§ 429b–3. Definitions

§ 429b–4. Funds from Land and Water Conservation Fund

§ 429b–5. Funding limitations; contracting authority, etc.

§ 430. Kings Mountain National Military Park; establishment

§ 430a. Acquisition of land

§ 430a–1. Revision of boundaries

§ 430a–2. Acquisition of lands within revised boundary

§ 430a–3. Applicability of laws and regulations to acquired lands and interests therein

§ 430b. Control; regulations for care and management

§ 430c. Permits to occupy land

§ 430d. Repair of roads; historical markers

§ 430e. Monuments and tablets within park; approval

§ 430f. Shiloh National Military Park

§ 430f–1. Conveyance of lands

§ 430f–2. Conveyance of right-of-way; construction and maintenance of roadways

§ 430f–3. Conveyance of lands for recreational area; development and use

§ 430f–4. Jurisdiction of lands

§ 430f–5. Siege and Battle of Corinth

§ 430f–6. Corinth Unit of the Shiloh National Military Park; findings and purposes

§ 430f–7. Definitions

§ 430f–8. Establishment of Unit

§ 430f–9. Land acquisition

§ 430f–10. Park management and administration

§ 430f–11. Repealed. , ,

§ 430f–12. Authorization of appropriations

§ 430f–13. Shiloh National Military Park boundary adjustment

§ 430g. Gettysburg National Military Park

§ 430g–1. Exchange of lands

§ 430g–2. Exchange of lands

§ 430g–3. Donation of non-Federal lands

§ 430g–4. Gettysburg National Military Park boundary revision

§ 430g–5. Acquisition and disposal of lands

§ 430g–6. Agreements with respect to monuments and tablets located outside park boundary

§ 430g–7. Conservation within Gettysburg Battlefield historic district

§ 430g–8. Advisory Commission

§ 430g–9. Interpretation

§ 430g–10. Authorization of appropriations

§ 430h. Vicksburg National Military Park

§ 430h–1. Donations of land and property

§ 430h–2. Exchange of certain lands authorized

§ 430h–3. Consolidation of lands and installation of park tour road

§ 430h–4. Jurisdiction over lands and roads

§ 430h–5. Authorization of appropriations

§ 430h–6. Addition of lands to Vicksburg National Military Park

§ 430h–7. Exclusion of lands from park

§ 430h–8. Park interpretation

§ 430h–9. Authorization of appropriations

§ 430h–10. Boundary modification

§ 430h–11. Acquisition of property

§ 430h–12. Administration

§ 430h–13. Authorization of appropriations

§ 430h–14. Vicksburg National Military Park

§ 430i. Guilford Courthouse National Military Park

§ 430j. Monocacy National Battlefield; establishment

§ 430k. Condemnation proceedings; purchase without condemnation; acceptance of donations of land

§ 430l. Leases with preceding owners of acquired lands; conditions

§ 430m. Administration

§ 430n. Repealed. , ,

§ 430o. Gifts and donations; acceptance by Secretary

§ 430p. Right of States to enter and mark battle lines

§ 430q. Offenses

§ 430r. Rules and regulations

§ 430s. Authorization of appropriations

§ 430t. Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park; establishment

§ 430t–1. Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park boundary

§ 430u. Donations of land; purchase and condemnation

§ 430v. Monuments and memorials; regulations; historical markers

§ 430w. Administration, protection, and development

§ 430x. Authorization of appropriations; authorization to expand boundaries

§ 430y. Spanish War Memorial Park; establishment

§ 430z. Monument within park; construction authorized

§ 430z–1. Landscaping park; employment of architects and engineers

§ 430z–2. Memorials within park; erection authorized

§ 430z–3. Administration, protection, and development

§ 430aa. Pea Ridge National Military Park; establishment

§ 430bb. Determination of desirable areas

§ 430cc. Administration, protection, and development; improvements

§ 430dd. Dedication

§ 430ee. Authorization of appropriations

§ 430ff. Horseshoe Bend National Military Park; establishment

§ 430gg. Determination of desirable areas

§ 430hh. Administration, protection, and development; improvements

§ 430ii. Dedication

§ 430jj. Authorization of appropriations

§ 430kk. Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield: establishment and acquisition of lands

§ 430ll. Designation

§ 430mm. Authorization of appropriations

§ 430nn. Antietam Battlefield site; acquisition of lands, buildings, structures, and other property

§ 430oo. Acquisition of lands for preservation, protection and improvement; limitation

§ 430pp. Fort Necessity National Battlefield; acquisition of land

§ 430qq. Exchange of lands

§ 430rr. Change in name to Fort Necessity National Battlefield

§ 430ss. Administration, protection, and development

§ 430tt. Authorization of appropriation

§ 430uu. Big Hole National Battlefield; redesignation of monument

§ 430uu–1. Revision of boundaries

§ 430uu–2. Acquisition of land; exclusion from Beaverhead National Forest; administration

§ 430uu–3. Jurisdiction

§ 430uu–4. Authorization of appropriation

§ 430vv. River Raisin National Battlefield Park