US Code
§ 407dd. Directives to Secretary

(a) Independence National Historical Park and other unitsThe Secretary shall interpret the origins, subsequent development, and effects of the United States Constitution on this country at Independence National Historical Park and at such other units of the National Park System as are closely associated with the Constitution. The Secretary shall select not less than 12 units of the National Park System for such interpretation, including Independence National Historical Park.
(b) MemorialThe Secretary is authorized to establish and maintain at Independence National Historical Park an appropriate memorial to the United States Constitution as a key document in our Nation’s history.
(c) Public materialsIn coordination with the National Constitution Center, the Secretary shall develop and make available to the public interpretive and educational materials related to sites within the National Park System as referred to in subsection (a).
(d) Cooperative agreementsThe Secretary may enter into cooperative agreements with the owners or administrators of historic sites closely associated with the Constitution, pursuant to which the Secretary may provide technical assistance in the preservation and interpretation of such sites.
(e) Research and educationThe Secretary shall contract with the National Constitution Center and other qualified institutions of higher learning for research and other activities including the distribution of interpretive and educational materials as appropriate in order to carry out the provisions of this subchapter.
(f) Maintenance of historic integrityNothing in this section may be construed to alter or waive the requirement that the Secretary maintain the historic integrity of units of the National Park System, including compliance with section 306108 of title 54.