(a) AppointmentThe Attorney General shall appoint a National Forensic Science Commission (in this section referred to as the “Commission”), composed of persons experienced in criminal justice issues, including persons from the forensic science and criminal justice communities, to carry out the responsibilities under subsection (b).
(b) ResponsibilitiesThe Commission shall—(1) assess the present and future resource needs of the forensic science community;
(2) make recommendations to the Attorney General for maximizing the use of forensic technologies and techniques to solve crimes and protect the public;
(3) identify potential scientific advances that may assist law enforcement in using forensic technologies and techniques to protect the public;
(4) make recommendations to the Attorney General for programs that will increase the number of qualified forensic scientists available to work in public crime laboratories;
(5) disseminate, through the National Institute of Justice, best practices concerning the collection and analyses of forensic evidence to help ensure quality and consistency in the use of forensic technologies and techniques to solve crimes and protect the public;
(6) examine additional issues pertaining to forensic science as requested by the Attorney General;
(7) examine Federal, State, and local privacy protection statutes, regulations, and practices relating to access to, or use of, stored DNA samples or DNA analyses, to determine whether such protections are sufficient;
(8) make specific recommendations to the Attorney General, as necessary, to enhance the protections described in paragraph (7) to ensure—(A) the appropriate use and dissemination of DNA information;
(B) the accuracy, security, and confidentiality of DNA information;
(C) the timely removal and destruction of obsolete, expunged, or inaccurate DNA information; and
(D) that any other necessary measures are taken to protect privacy; and
(9) provide a forum for the exchange and dissemination of ideas and information in furtherance of the objectives described in paragraphs (1) through (8).
(c) Personnel; proceduresThe Attorney General shall—(1) designate the Chair of the Commission from among its members;
(2) designate any necessary staff to assist in carrying out the functions of the Commission; and
(3) establish procedures and guidelines for the operations of the Commission.
(d) Authorization of appropriationsThere are authorized to be appropriated $500,000 for each of fiscal years 2005 through 2009 to carry out this section.
Structure US Code
Subtitle IV— Criminal Records and Information
§ 40721. Report to Congress on plans to modify CODIS system
§ 40722. DNA training and education for law enforcement, correctional personnel, and court officers
§ 40723. Sexual assault forensic exam program grants
§ 40724. DNA research and development
§ 40725. National Forensic Science Commission
§ 40726. DNA identification of missing persons
§ 40727. Kirk Bloodsworth Post-Conviction DNA Testing Grant Program
§ 40728. Establishment of best practices for evidence retention