(a) In generalThe Secretary may, notwithstanding title 5, governing appointments in the competitive service, appoint outstanding and qualified candidates to scientific, technical, or professional positions, including cross-cutting operational positions, that support the development, review, and regulation of medical products and the regulation of food and cosmetics. Such positions shall be within the competitive service.
(b) Compensation(1) In generalNotwithstanding any other provision of law, including any requirement with respect to General Schedule pay rates under subchapter III of chapter 53 of title 5, and consistent with the requirements of paragraph (2), the Commissioner of Food and Drugs may determine and set—(A) the annual rate of pay of any individual appointed under subsection (a); and
(B) for purposes of retaining qualified employees, the annual rate of pay for any qualified scientific, technical, or professional personnel appointed to a position described in subsection (a) before December 13, 2016.
(2) LimitationThe annual rate of pay established pursuant to paragraph (1) may not exceed the amount of annual compensation (excluding expenses) specified in section 102 of title 3.
(3) Public availabilityThe annual rate of pay provided to an individual in accordance with this section shall be publicly available information.
(c) Rule of constructionThe authorities under this section shall not be construed to affect the authority provided under section 379d–3 of this title.
(d) Report on workforce planning(1) In generalNot later than 18 months after December 29, 2022, the Secretary shall submit a report on workforce planning to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate and the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives that includes—(A) an updated analysis of the workforce needs at the Food and Drug Administration and the Secretary’s strategic plan for addressing such needs, including through use of the authority under this section;
(B) an analysis of how the Secretary has used the authorities provided under this section, and a plan for how the Secretary will use the authority under this section, and other applicable hiring authorities, for employees of the Food and Drug Administration; and
(C) an updated recruitment and retention plan for hiring qualified scientific, technical, and professional candidates, which may include the use of—(i) recruitment through nongovernmental recruitment or placement agencies;
(ii) recruitment through academic institutions;
(iii) recruitment or hiring bonuses, if applicable;
(iv) recruitment using targeted direct hiring authorities; and
(v) retention of qualified scientific, technical, and professional employees using the authority under this section, or other applicable authorities of the Secretary.
(2) RecommendationsThe report under paragraph (1) may include the recommendations of the Commissioner of Food and Drugs that would help the Food and Drug Administration to better recruit and retain qualified individuals for scientific, technical, or professional positions at the agency.
Structure US Code
Part A— General Administrative Provisions
§ 371. Regulations and hearings
§ 372. Examinations and investigations
§ 374a. Inspections relating to food allergens
§ 376. Examination of sea food on request of packer; marking food with results; fees; penalties
§ 379. Confidential information
§ 379a. Presumption of existence of jurisdiction
§ 379b. Consolidated administrative and laboratory facility
§ 379d. Automation of Food and Drug Administration
§ 379d–1. Conflicts of interest
§ 379d–2. Policy on the review and clearance of scientific articles published by FDA employees
§ 379d–3. Streamlined hiring authority
§ 379d–3a. Hiring authority for scientific, technical, and professional personnel
§ 379d–3b. Strategic Workforce Plan and report
§ 379d–4. Reporting requirements
§ 379d–5. Guidance document regarding product promotion using the Internet