US Code
§ 3711b. Conference on advanced automotive technologies

Not later than 180 days after , the Secretary of Commerce, through the Under Secretary of Commerce for Technology, in consultation with other appropriate officials, shall convene a conference of domestic motor vehicle manufacturers, parts suppliers, Federal laboratories, and motor vehicle users to explore ways in which cooperatively they can improve the competitiveness of the United States motor vehicle industry by developing new technologies which will enhance the safety and energy savings, and lessen the environmental impact of domestic motor vehicles, and the results of such conference shall be published and then submitted to the President and to the Committees on Science, Space, and Technology and Public Works and Transportation of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate.

Structure US Code

US Code



§ 3701. Findings

§ 3702. Purpose

§ 3703. Definitions

§ 3704. Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Technology

§ 3704a. Clearinghouse for State and Local Initiatives on Productivity, Technology, and Innovation

§ 3704b. National Technical Information Service

§ 3704b–1. Recovery of operating costs through fee collections

§ 3704b–2. Transfer of Federal scientific and technical information

§ 3705. Cooperative Research Centers

§ 3706. Grants and cooperative agreements

§ 3707. National Science Foundation Cooperative Research Centers

§ 3708. Administrative arrangements

§ 3709. Repealed. , ,

§ 3710. Utilization of Federal technology

§ 3710a. Cooperative research and development agreements

§ 3710b. Rewards for scientific, engineering, and technical personnel of Federal agencies

§ 3710c. Distribution of royalties received by Federal agencies

§ 3710d. Employee activities

§ 3711. National Technology and Innovation Medal

§ 3711a. Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award

§ 3711b. Conference on advanced automotive technologies

§ 3711c. Advanced motor vehicle research award

§ 3712. Personnel exchanges

§ 3713. Authorization of appropriations

§ 3714. Spending authority

§ 3715. Use of partnership intermediaries

§ 3716. Critical industries

§ 3717. National Quality Council

§ 3718. President’s Council on Innovation and Competitiveness

§ 3719. Prize competitions

§ 3720. Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

§ 3721. Federal loan guarantees for innovative technologies in manufacturing

§ 3722. Regional innovation program

§ 3722a. Regional Technology and Innovation Hub Program

§ 3722b. Distressed area Recompete Pilot Program

§ 3723. STEM apprenticeship programs

§ 3724. Crowdsourcing and citizen science