(a) In generalNot later than 1 year after December 29, 2022, the Secretary shall initiate a program under which persons may request designation of an advanced manufacturing technology as described in subsection (b).
(b) Designation processThe Secretary shall establish a process for the designation under this section of methods of manufacturing drugs, including biological products, and active pharmaceutical ingredients of such drugs, as advanced manufacturing technologies. A method of manufacturing, or a combination of manufacturing methods, is eligible for designation as an advanced manufacturing technology if such method or combination of methods incorporates a novel technology, or uses an established technique or technology in a novel way, that will substantially improve the manufacturing process for a drug while maintaining equivalent, or providing superior, drug quality, including by—(1) reducing development time for a drug using the designated manufacturing method; or
(2) increasing or maintaining the supply of—(A) a drug that is life-supporting, life-sustaining, or of critical importance to providing health care; or
(B) a drug that is on the drug shortage list under section 356e of this title.
(c) Evaluation and designation of an advanced manufacturing technology(1) SubmissionA person who requests designation of a method of manufacturing as an advanced manufacturing technology under this section shall submit to the Secretary data or information demonstrating that the method of manufacturing meets the criteria described in subsection (b) in a particular context of use. The Secretary may facilitate the development and review of such data or information by—(A) providing timely advice to, and interactive communication with, such person regarding the development of the method of manufacturing; and
(B) involving senior managers and experienced staff of the Food and Drug Administration, as appropriate, in a collaborative, cross-disciplinary review of the method of manufacturing, as applicable.
(2) Evaluation and designationNot later than 180 calendar days after the receipt of a request under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall determine whether to designate such method of manufacturing as an advanced manufacturing technology, in a particular context of use, based on the data and information submitted under paragraph (1) and the criteria described in subsection (b).
(d) Review of advanced manufacturing technologiesIf the Secretary designates a method of manufacturing as an advanced manufacturing technology, the Secretary shall—(1) expedite the development and review of an application submitted under section 355 of this title or section 262 of title 42, including supplemental applications, for drugs that are manufactured using a designated advanced manufacturing technology; and
(2) allow the holder of an advanced technology designation, or a person authorized by the advanced manufacturing technology designation holder, to reference or rely upon, in an application submitted under section 355 of this title or section 262 of title 42, including a supplemental application, data and information about the designated advanced manufacturing technology for use in manufacturing drugs in the same context of use for which the designation was granted.
(e) Implementation and evaluation of advanced manufacturing technologies program(1) Public meetingThe Secretary shall publish in the Federal Register a notice of a public meeting, to be held not later than 180 days after December 29, 2022, to discuss, and obtain input and recommendations from relevant stakeholders regarding—(A) the goals and scope of the program under this section, and the framework, procedures, and requirements suitable for such program; and
(B) ways in which the Food and Drug Administration will support the use of advanced manufacturing technologies and other innovative manufacturing approaches for drugs.
(2) Program guidance(A) In generalThe Secretary shall—(i) not later than 180 days after the public meeting under paragraph (1), issue draft guidance regarding the goals and implementation of the program under this section; and
(ii) not later than 2 years after December 29, 2022, issue final guidance regarding the implementation of such program.
(B) ContentThe guidance described in subparagraph (A) shall address—(i) the process by which a person may request a designation under subsection (b);
(ii) the data and information that a person requesting such a designation is required to submit under subsection (c), and how the Secretary intends to evaluate such submissions;
(iii) the process to expedite the development and review of applications under subsection (d); and
(iv) the criteria described in subsection (b) for eligibility for such a designation.
(3) ReportNot later than 3 years after December 29, 2022, and annually thereafter, the Secretary shall publish on the website of the Food and Drug Administration and submit to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate and the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives a report containing a description and evaluation of the program being conducted under this section, including the types of innovative manufacturing approaches supported under the program. Such report shall include the following:(A) The number of persons that have requested designations and that have been granted designations.
(B) The number of methods of manufacturing that have been the subject of designation requests and that have been granted designations.
(C) The average number of calendar days for completion of evaluations under subsection (c)(2).
(D) An analysis of the factors in data submissions that result in determinations to designate and not to designate after evaluation under subsection (c)(2).
(E) The number of applications received under section 355 of this title or section 262 of title 42, including supplemental applications, that have included an advanced manufacturing technology designated under this section, and the number of such applications approved.
(f) SunsetThe Secretary—(1) may not consider any requests for designation submitted under subsection (c) after October 1, 2032; and
(2) may continue all activities under this section with respect to advanced manufacturing technologies that were designated pursuant to subsection (b) prior to such date, if the Secretary determines such activities are in the interest of the public health.
Structure US Code
§ 351. Adulterated drugs and devices
§ 352. Misbranded drugs and devices
§ 353. Exemptions and consideration for certain drugs, devices, and biological products
§ 353a–1. Enhanced communication
§ 353b. Outsourcing facilities
§ 353c. Prereview of television advertisements
§ 353d. Process to update labeling for certain generic drugs
§ 354. Veterinary feed directive drugs
§ 355–1. Risk evaluation and mitigation strategies
§ 355–2. Actions for delays of generic drugs and biosimilar biological products
§ 355a. Pediatric studies of drugs
§ 355b. Adverse-event reporting
§ 355c. Research into pediatric uses for drugs and biological products
§ 355e. Pharmaceutical security
§ 355f. Extension of exclusivity period for new qualified infectious disease products
§ 355g. Utilizing real world evidence
§ 356. Expedited approval of drugs for serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions
§ 356–1. Accelerated approval of priority countermeasures
§ 356–2. Accelerated approval Council
§ 356b. Reports of postmarketing studies
§ 356c. Discontinuance or interruption in the production of life-saving drugs
§ 356c–1. Annual reporting on drug shortages
§ 356d. Coordination; task force and strategic plan
§ 356f. Hospital repackaging of drugs in shortage
§ 356g. Standards for regenerative medicine and regenerative advanced therapies
§ 356h. Competitive generic therapies
§ 356i. Prompt reports of marketing status
§ 356j. Discontinuance or interruption in the production of medical devices
§ 356l. Advanced manufacturing technologies designation program
§ 357. Qualification of drug development tools
§ 358. Authority to designate official names
§ 359. Nonapplicability of subchapter to cosmetics
§ 360. Registration of producers of drugs or devices
§ 360a. Clinical trial guidance for antibiotic drugs
§ 360a–2. Susceptibility test interpretive criteria for microorganisms
§ 360b–1. Priority zoonotic animal drugs
§ 360c. Classification of devices intended for human use
§ 360e–1. Pediatric uses of devices
§ 360e–3. Breakthrough devices
§ 360e–4. Predetermined change control plans for devices
§ 360g–1. Agency documentation and review of significant decisions regarding devices
§ 360g–2. Third party data transparency
§ 360h. Notification and other remedies
§ 360h–1. Program to improve the device recall system
§ 360i. Records and reports on devices
§ 360j. General provisions respecting control of devices intended for human use
§ 360k. State and local requirements respecting devices
§ 360l. Postmarket surveillance
§ 360n. Priority review to encourage treatments for tropical diseases
§ 360n–1. Priority review for qualified infectious disease products