US Code
§ 3295. International Agricultural Education Fellowship Program

(a) Fellowship program establishmentThe Secretary shall establish a fellowship program to be known as the International Agricultural Education Fellowship Program to provide fellowships to citizens of the United States to assist eligible countries in developing school-based agricultural education and youth extension programs.
(b) Eligible country describedFor purposes of this section, an eligible country is a developing country, as determined by the Secretary using a gross national income per capita test selected by the Secretary.
(c) Purpose of fellowshipsThe goals of providing a fellowship under this section are to—(1) develop globally minded United States agriculturists with experience living abroad;
(2) focus on meeting the food and fiber needs of the domestic population of eligible countries; and
(3) strengthen and enhance trade linkages between eligible countries and the United States agricultural industry.
(d) Eligible candidatesThe Secretary may provide fellowships to citizens of the United States who—(1) hold at least a bachelors degree in an agricultural related field of study; and
(2) have an understanding of United States school-based agricultural education and youth extension programs, as determined by the Secretary.
(e) Candidate identificationThe Secretary shall consult with the National FFA Organization, the National 4–H Council, and other entities as the Secretary determines are appropriate to identify candidates for fellowships.
(f) Program implementationThe Secretary shall provide for the management, coordination, evaluation, and monitoring of the Fellowship Program, except that the Secretary may contract out the management of the fellowship program to an outside organization with experience in implementing fellowship programs focused on building capacity for school-based agricultural education and youth extension programs in developing countries.
(g) Authorization of appropriations(1) In generalThere are authorized to be appropriated $5,000,000 to carry out this section for each of fiscal years 2019 through 2023.
(2) DurationAny funds made available under this subsection shall remain available until expended.