The Board shall prescribe from time to time rules and regulations governing the conduct of its business and containing such provisions as it may deem appropriate for the effective execution and administration of the powers conferred upon it by this Act: , That before prescribing any procedure for the disbursement of money the Board shall advise and consult with the Government Accountability Office: , That all rules and regulations proposed by the Board shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Interior and shall become effective upon his approval.
Structure US Code
§ 305. Indian Arts and Crafts Board; creation and composition; per diem payments
§ 305a. Promotion of economic welfare through development of arts and crafts; powers of Board
§ 305b. Rules and regulations; submission to Secretary of the Interior
§ 305d. Criminal proceedings; civil actions
§ 305e. Cause of action for misrepresentation of Indian produced goods
§ 305f. Indian Arts and Crafts Board art collection
§ 306. Expenditures for encouragement of industry and self-support; repayment
§ 306a. Advances for support of old, disabled, or indigent allottees; lien against land
§ 309. Vocational training program; eligibility; contracts or agreements
§ 309a. Authorization of appropriations
§ 309b. Vocational education funds
§ 310. Institute of American Indian and Alaska Native Culture and Arts Development