US Code
§ 3054. Jurisdiction of the Commission and the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority

(a) In generalBeginning on the program effective date, the Commission, the Authority, and the anti-doping and medication control enforcement agency, each within the scope of their powers and responsibilities under this chapter, as limited by subsection (j),11 So in original. Probably should be “subsection (k)”. shall—(1) implement and enforce the horseracing anti-doping and medication control program and the racetrack safety program;
(2) exercise independent and exclusive national authority over—(A) the safety, welfare, and integrity of covered horses, covered persons, and covered horseraces; and
(B) all horseracing safety, performance, and anti-doping and medication control matters for covered horses, covered persons, and covered horseraces; and
(3) have safety, performance, and anti-doping and medication control authority over covered persons similar to such authority of the State racing commissions before the program effective date.
(b) PreemptionThe rules of the Authority promulgated in accordance with this chapter shall preempt any provision of State law or regulation with respect to matters within the jurisdiction of the Authority under this chapter, as limited by subsection (j).1 Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to limit the authority of the Commission under any other provision of law.
(c) Duties(1) In generalThe Authority—(A) shall develop uniform procedures and rules authorizing—(i) access to offices, racetrack facilities, other places of business, books, records, and personal property of covered persons that are used in the care, treatment, training, and racing of covered horses;
(ii) issuance and enforcement of subpoenas and subpoenas duces tecum; and
(iii) other investigatory powers of the nature and scope exercised by State racing commissions before the program effective date; and
(B) with respect to an unfair or deceptive act or practice described in section 3059 of this title, may recommend that the Commission commence an enforcement action.
(2) Approval of CommissionThe procedures and rules developed under paragraph (1)(A) shall be subject to approval by the Commission in accordance with section 3053 of this title.
(d) Registration of covered persons with Authority(1) In generalAs a condition of participating in covered races and in the care, ownership, treatment, and training of covered horses, a covered person shall register with the Authority in accordance with rules promulgated by the Authority and approved by the Commission in accordance with section 3053 of this title.
(2) Agreement with respect to Authority rules, standards, and proceduresRegistration under this subsection shall include an agreement by the covered person to be subject to and comply with the rules, standards, and procedures developed and approved under subsection (c).
(3) CooperationA covered person registered under this subsection shall, at all times—(A) cooperate with the Commission, the Authority, the anti-doping and medication control enforcement agency, and any respective designee, during any civil investigation; and
(B) respond truthfully and completely to the best of the knowledge of the covered person if questioned by the Commission, the Authority, the anti-doping and medication control enforcement agency, or any respective designee.
(4) Failure to complyAny failure of a covered person to comply with this subsection shall be a violation of section 3057(a)(2)(G) of this title.
(e) Enforcement of programs(1) Anti-doping and medication control enforcement agency(A) Agreement with USADAThe Authority shall seek to enter into an agreement with the United States Anti-Doping Agency under which the Agency acts as the anti-doping and medication control enforcement agency under this chapter for services consistent with the horseracing anti-doping and medication control program.
(B) Agreement with other entityIf the Authority and the United States Anti-Doping Agency are unable to enter into the agreement described in subparagraph (A), the Authority shall enter into an agreement with an entity that is nationally recognized as being a medication regulation agency equal in qualification to the United States Anti-Doping Agency to act as the anti-doping and medication control enforcement agency under this chapter for services consistent with the horseracing anti-doping and medication control program.
(C) NegotiationsAny negotiations under this paragraph shall be conducted in good faith and designed to achieve efficient, effective best practices for anti-doping and medication control and enforcement on commercially reasonable terms.
(D) Elements of agreementAny agreement under this paragraph shall include a description of the scope of work, performance metrics, reporting obligations, and budgets of the United States Anti-Doping Agency while acting as the anti-doping and medication control enforcement agency under this chapter, as well as a provision for the revision of the agreement to increase in the scope of work as provided for in subsection (k),22 So in original. and any other matter the Authority considers appropriate.
(E) Duties and powers of enforcement agencyThe anti-doping and medication control enforcement agency under an agreement under this paragraph shall—(i) serve as the independent anti-doping and medication control enforcement organization for covered horses, covered persons, and covered horseraces, implementing the anti-doping and medication control program on behalf of the Authority;
(ii) ensure that covered horses and covered persons are deterred from using or administering medications, substances, and methods in violation of the rules established in accordance with this chapter;
(iii) implement anti-doping education, research, testing, compliance and adjudication programs designed to prevent covered persons and covered horses from using or administering medications, substances, and methods in violation of the rules established in accordance with this chapter;
(iv) exercise the powers specified in section 3055(c)(4) of this title in accordance with that section; and
(v) implement and undertake any other responsibilities specified in the agreement.
(F) Term and extension(i) Term of initial agreementThe initial agreement entered into by the Authority under this paragraph shall be in effect for the 5-year period beginning on the program effective date.
(ii) ExtensionAt the end of the 5-year period described in clause (i), the Authority may—(I) extend the term of the initial agreement under this paragraph for such additional term as is provided by the rules of the Authority and consistent with this chapter; or
(II) enter into an agreement meeting the requirements of this paragraph with an entity described by subparagraph (B) for such term as is provided by such rules and consistent with this chapter.
(2) Agreements for enforcement by State racing commissions(A) State racing commissions(i) Racetrack safety programThe Authority may enter into agreements with State racing commissions for services consistent with the enforcement of the racetrack safety program.
(ii) Anti-doping and medication control programThe anti-doping and medication control enforcement agency may enter into agreements with State racing commissions for services consistent with the enforcement of the anti-doping and medication control program.
(B) Elements of agreementsAny agreement under this paragraph shall include a description of the scope of work, performance metrics, reporting obligations, budgets, and any other matter the Authority considers appropriate.
(3) Enforcement of standardsThe Authority may coordinate with State racing commissions and other State regulatory agencies to monitor and enforce racetrack compliance with the standards developed under paragraphs (1) and (2) of section 3056(c) of this title.
(f) Procedures with respect to rules of Authority(1) Anti-doping and medication control(A) In generalRecommendations for rules regarding anti-doping and medication control shall be developed in accordance with section 3055 of this title.
(B) ConsultationThe anti-doping and medication control enforcement agency shall consult with the anti-doping and medication control standing committee and the Board of the Authority on all anti-doping and medication control rules of the Authority.
(2) Racetrack safetyRecommendations for rules regarding racetrack safety shall be developed by the racetrack safety standing committee of the Authority.
(g) Issuance of guidance(1) The Authority may issue guidance that—(A) sets forth—(i) an interpretation of an existing rule, standard, or procedure of the Authority; or
(ii) a policy or practice with respect to the administration or enforcement of such an existing rule, standard, or procedure; and
(B) relates solely to—(i) the administration of the Authority; or
(ii) any other matter, as specified by the Commission, by rule, consistent with the public interest and the purposes of this subsection.
(2) Submittal to CommissionThe Authority shall submit to the Commission any guidance issued under paragraph (1).
(3) Immediate effectGuidance issued under paragraph (1) shall take effect on the date on which the guidance is submitted to the Commission under paragraph (2).
(h) Subpoena and investigatory authorityThe Authority shall have subpoena and investigatory authority with respect to civil violations committed under its jurisdiction.
(i) Civil penaltiesThe Authority shall develop a list of civil penalties with respect to the enforcement of rules for covered persons and covered horseraces under its jurisdiction.
(j) Civil actions(1) In generalIn addition to civil sanctions imposed under section 3057 of this title, the Authority may commence a civil action against a covered person or racetrack that has engaged, is engaged, or is about to engage, in acts or practices constituting a violation of this chapter or any rule established under this chapter in the proper district court of the United States, the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, or the United States courts of any territory or other place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, to enjoin such acts or practices, to enforce any civil sanctions imposed under that section, and for all other relief to which the Authority may be entitled.
(2) Injunctions and restraining ordersWith respect to a civil action commenced under paragraph (1), upon a proper showing, a permanent or temporary injunction or restraining order shall be granted without bond.
(k) Limitations on authority(1) Prospective applicationThe jurisdiction and authority of the Authority and the Commission with respect to the horseracing anti-doping and medication control program and the racetrack safety program shall be prospective only.
(2) Previous matters(A) In generalThe Authority and the Commission may not investigate, prosecute, adjudicate, or penalize conduct in violation of the horseracing anti-doping and medication control program and the racetrack safety program that occurs before the program effective date.
(B) State racing commissionWith respect to conduct described in subparagraph (A), the applicable State racing commission shall retain authority until the final resolution of the matter.
(3) Other laws unaffectedThis chapter shall not be construed to modify, impair or restrict the operation of the general laws or regulations, as may be amended from time to time, of the United States, the States and their political subdivisions relating to criminal conduct, cruelty to animals, matters unrelated to antidoping, medication control and racetrack and racing safety of covered horses and covered races, and the use of medication in human participants in covered races.
(l) Election for other breed coverage under chapter(1) In generalA State racing commission or a breed governing organization for a breed of horses other than Thoroughbred horses may elect to have such breed be covered by this chapter by the filing of a designated election form and subsequent approval by the Authority. A State racing commission may elect to have a breed covered by this chapter for the applicable State only.
(2) Election conditional on funding mechanismA commission or organization may not make an election under paragraph (1) unless the commission or organization has in place a mechanism to provide sufficient funds to cover the costs of the administration of this chapter with respect to the horses that will be covered by this chapter as a result of the election.
(3) ApportionmentThe Authority shall apportion costs described in paragraph (2) in connection with an election under paragraph (1) fairly among all impacted segments of the horseracing industry, subject to approval by the Commission in accordance with section 3053 of this title. Such apportionment may not provide for the allocation of costs or funds among breeds of horses.