(a) Short titleThis section may be cited as the “Television Program Improvement Act of 1990”.
(b) DefinitionsFor purposes of this section—(1) the term “antitrust laws” has the meaning given it in subsection (a) of section 12 of title 15, except that such term includes section 45 of title 15 to the extent that section 45 of title 15 applies to unfair methods of competition;
(2) the term “person in the television industry” means a television network, any entity which produces programming (including theatrical motion pictures) for telecasting or telecasts programming, the National Cable Television Association, the Association of Independent Television Stations, Incorporated, the National Association of Broadcasters, the Motion Picture Association of America, the Community Antenna Television Association, and each of the networks’ affiliate organizations, and shall include any individual acting on behalf of such person; and
(3) the term “telecast” means—(A) to broadcast by a television broadcast station; or
(B) to transmit by a cable television system or a satellite television distribution service.
(c) ExemptionThe antitrust laws shall not apply to any joint discussion, consideration, review, action, or agreement by or among persons in the television industry for the purpose of, and limited to, developing and disseminating voluntary guidelines designed to alleviate the negative impact of violence in telecast material.
(d) Limitations(1) The exemption provided in subsection (c) shall not apply to any joint discussion, consideration, review, action, or agreement which results in a boycott of any person.
(2) The exemption provided in subsection (c) shall apply only to any joint discussion, consideration, review, action, or agreement engaged in only during the 3-year period beginning on December 1, 1990.
Structure US Code
§ 301. License for radio communication or transmission of energy
§ 302a. Devices which interfere with radio reception
§ 303. Powers and duties of Commission
§ 303a. Standards for children’s television programming
§ 303b. Consideration of children’s television service in broadcast license renewal
§ 303c. Television program improvement
§ 304. Waiver by license of claims to particular frequency or of electromagnetic spectrum
§ 305. Government owned stations
§ 306. Foreign ships; application of section 301
§ 308. Requirements for license
§ 309. Application for license
§ 309a. Reports related to spectrum auctions
§ 310. License ownership restrictions
§ 311. Requirements as to certain applications in broadcasting service
§ 312. Administrative sanctions
§ 312a. Revocation of operator’s license used in unlawful distribution of controlled substances
§ 313. Application of antitrust laws to manufacture, sale, and trade in radio apparatus
§ 314. Competition in commerce; preservation
§ 315. Candidates for public office
§ 316. Modification by Commission of station licenses or construction permits; burden of proof
§ 317. Announcement of payment for broadcast
§ 318. Transmitting apparatus; operator’s license
§ 320. Stations liable to interfere with distress signals; designation and regulation
§ 321. Distress signals and communications; equipment on vessels; regulations
§ 322. Exchanging radio communications between land and ship stations and from ship to ship
§ 323. Interference between Government and commercial stations
§ 325. False, fraudulent, or unauthorized transmissions
§ 327. Naval stations; use for commercial messages; rates
§ 329. Administration of radio laws in Territories and possessions
§ 330. Prohibition against shipment of certain television receivers
§ 331. Very high frequency stations and AM radio stations
§ 333. Willful or malicious interference
§ 334. Limitation on revision of equal employment opportunity regulations
§ 335. Direct broadcast satellite service obligations
§ 336. Broadcast spectrum flexibility
§ 337. Allocation and assignment of new public safety services licenses and commercial licenses
§ 338. Carriage of local television signals by satellite carriers
§ 339. Carriage of distant television stations by satellite carriers
§ 340. Significantly viewed signals permitted to be carried
§ 341. Carriage of television signals to certain subscribers
§ 342. Process for issuing qualified carrier certification
§ 343. Conditions on commercial terrestrial operations
§ 345. Protection of survivors of domestic violence, human trafficking, and related crimes