US Code
§ 30308. Requirement that accreditation organizations adopt accreditation standards

(a) Eligibility for Federal grantsNotwithstanding any other provision of law, an organization responsible for the accreditation of Federal, State, local, or private prisons, jails, or other penal facilities may not receive any new Federal grants during any period in which such organization fails to meet any of the requirements of subsection (b).
(b) RequirementsTo be eligible to receive Federal grants, an accreditation organization referred to in subsection (a) must meet the following requirements:(1) At all times after 90 days after September 4, 2003, the organization shall have in effect, for each facility that it is responsible for accrediting, accreditation standards for the detection, prevention, reduction, and punishment of prison rape.
(2) At all times after 1 year after the date of the adoption of the final rule under section 30307(a)(4) of this title, the organization shall, in addition to any other such standards that it may promulgate relevant to the detection, prevention, reduction, and punishment of prison rape, adopt accreditation standards consistent with the national standards adopted pursuant to such final rule.