US Code
§ 30109. National strategy, classification, and reporting on cybercrime

(a) DefinitionsIn this section:(1) ComputerThe term “computer” includes a computer network and any interactive electronic device.
(2) Cybercrime against individualsThe term “cybercrime against individuals” has the meaning given the term in section 30107 of this title.
(b) National strategyThe Attorney General shall develop a national strategy to—(1) reduce the incidence of cybercrimes against individuals;
(2) coordinate investigations of cybercrimes against individuals by Federal law enforcement agencies;
(3) increase the number of Federal prosecutions of cybercrimes against individuals; and
(4) develop an evaluation process that measures rates of cybercrime victimization and prosecutorial rates among Tribal and culturally specific communities.
(c) Classification of cybercrimes against individuals for purposes of crime reportsIn accordance with the authority of the Attorney General under section 534 of title 28, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation shall—(1) design and create within the Uniform Crime Reports a category for offenses that constitute cybercrimes against individuals;
(2) to the extent feasible, within the category established under paragraph (1), establish subcategories for each type of cybercrime against individuals that is an offense under Federal or State law;
(3) classify the category established under paragraph (1) as a Part I crime in the Uniform Crime Reports; and
(4) classify each type of cybercrime against individuals that is an offense under Federal or State law as a Group A offense for the purpose of the National Incident-Based Reporting System.
(d) Annual summaryThe Attorney General shall publish an annual summary of the information reported in the Uniform Crime Reports and the National Incident-Based Reporting System relating to cybercrimes against individuals, including an evaluation of the implementation process for the national strategy developed under subsection (b) and outcome measurements on its impact on Tribal and culturally specific communities.