The Parliamentarian of the House of Representatives shall prepare, compile, and maintain on a current basis and in cumulative form, for each Congress commencing with the Ninety-third Congress a condensed and, insofar as practicable, up-to-date version of all of the parliamentary precedents of the House of Representatives which have current use and application in the House, together with informative text prepared by the Parliamentarian and other useful related material in summary form. The Parliamentarian shall have such matter printed for each Congress on pages of such size and in such type and format as he considers advisable to promote the usefulness of such matter to the Members of the House and shall provide a printed copy thereof to each Member in each Congress, including the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico, and may make such other distribution of such printed copies as he considers advisable. In carrying out this section, the Parliamentarian may appoint and fix the pay of personnel and utilize the services of personnel of the Library of Congress and the Government Publishing Office.
Structure US Code
§ 22. Oath of President of Senate
§ 23. Presiding officer of Senate may administer oaths
§ 24. Secretary of Senate or assistant secretary may administer oaths
§ 25. Oath of Speaker, Members, and Delegates
§ 25a. Delegate to House of Representatives from District of Columbia
§ 26. Roll of Representatives-elect
§ 27. Change of place of meeting
§ 28. Parliamentary precedents of House of Representatives
§ 28c. Distribution of Precedents by Director of the Government Publishing Office
§ 29a. Early organization of House of Representatives
§ 30a. Jury duty exemption of elected officials of legislative branch