(a) Geographic territory covered by the organization’s active membership.
(b) Nature and size of the organization’s active membership, proportion of total of such active membership accounted for by producers of commercial eggs, a chart showing the egg production by State in which the organization has members, and the volume of commercial eggs produced by the organization’s active membership in each such State,
(c) The extent to which the commercial egg producer membership of such organization is represented in setting the organization’s policies,
(d) Evidence of stability and permanency of the organization,
(e) Sources from which the organization’s operating funds are derived,
(f) Functions of the organization, and
(g) The organization’s ability and willingness to further the aims and objectives of this chapter: Provided, however, That the primary consideration in determining the eligibility of an organization shall be whether its commercial egg producer membership consists of a substantial number of egg producers who produce a substantial volume of commercial eggs. The Secretary shall certify any organization which he finds to be eligible under this section and his determination as to eligibility shall be final. Where more than one organization is certified in any geographic area, such organizations may caucus to determine the area’s nominations under section 2707(b) of this title.
Structure US Code
§ 2701. Congressional findings and declaration of policy
§ 2703. Orders of Secretary to egg producers, etc.
§ 2704. Notice and hearing upon proposed orders
§ 2705. Findings and issuance of orders
§ 2706. Permissive terms and conditions in orders
§ 2707. Required terms and conditions in orders
§ 2708. Referendum among egg producers
§ 2709. Termination or suspension of orders
§ 2710. Applicability of provisions to amendments to orders
§ 2711. Exempted egg producers and breeding hen flocks; conditions and procedures
§ 2712. Refund of assessment from Egg Board
§ 2713. Administrative review of orders; petition; hearing; judicial review
§ 2714. Civil enforcement proceedings
§ 2715. Certification of organizations; required contents of report as criteria