US Code
§ 241c. Additional extension of lands

The following-described lands are made a part of the Theodore Roosevelt National Park, subject to all laws and regulations applicable thereto: Beginning at a point in block 11 of the village of Medora, North Dakota, said point being on the northerly right-of-way line of Third Avenue a distance of 160 feet westerly from the northwest corner of the intersection of Third Avenue and Main Street; thence northerly a distance of 140 feet to a point on a line parallel to and 160 feet westerly of the westerly right-of-way line of Main Street; thence easterly 10 feet along a line parallel to and 140 feet northerly of the northerly right-of-way line of Third Avenue to a point 150 feet westerly of the westerly right-of-way line of Main Street; thence northerly 20 feet along a line parallel to and 150 feet westerly of the westerly right-of-way line of Main Street to a point on a line parallel to and 160 feet northerly of the northerly right-of-way line of Third Avenue: thence easterly along said line a distance of 150 feet to a point on the westerly right-of-way line of Main Street; thence northerly a distance of 40 feet along said westerly right-of-way line of Main Street to a point 200 feet northerly from the northwest corner of the intersection of Third Avenue and Main Street; thence easterly along a line parallel to and 200 feet northerly of the northerly right-of-way line of Third Avenue a distance of 970 feet to the northwesterly corner of lot 3 in block 8; thence southerly along the westerly line of lots 3 to 10, inclusive, in block 8 a distance of 200 feet to a point on the northerly right-of-way line of Third Avenue; thence along the northerly right-of-way line of Third Avenue extended easterly to a point on the west sixteenth line of section 26; thence northerly along said sixteenth line to a point on the section line common to sections 23 and 26; thence westerly along said section line to a point which is 600 feet easterly of the section corner common to sections 22, 23, 26, and 27; thence northerly along a line parallel to and 600 feet easterly from the section line common to sections 22 and 23 to a point on the south sixteenth line of section 23; thence westerly along said sixteenth line a distance of 600 feet to a point on the section line common to sections 22 and 23; thence southerly along said section line to the section corner common to sections 22, 23, 26, and 27; thence southerly along the section line common to sections 26 and 27 a distance of 390.5 feet; thence westerly a distance of 421.7 feet to a point on a line parallel to and 390.5 feet southerly from the section line common to sections 22 and 27; thence southerly a distance of 360 feet to a point in block 4 on a line parallel to and 150 feet westerly from the westerly right-of-way line of Main Street extended northerly; thence southwesterly on a straight line through the southwesterly corner of block 4 to a point on the southerly right-of-way line of Second Avenue extended westerly; thence westerly along said westerly extension of the southerly right-of-way line of Second Avenue to a point on the northeasterly right-of-way line of United States Highway Numbered 10; thence southeasterly along said northeasterly right-of-way line of United States Highway Numbered 10 to the intersection or juncture of said right-of-way line with the northerly right-of-way line of Third Avenue; thence easterly to the point of beginning; and all of that part of block 12 in the village of Medora that lies westerly of a line parallel to and westerly a distance of 140 feet from the westerly right-of-way line of Main Street; all in township 140 north, range 102 west, fifth principal meridian: , That the lands and improvements thereon located in block 6 in the village of Medora now administered and used by the United States Forest Service, Department of Agriculture, shall not become a part of the park pursuant to this section until such time as they are transferred to the Department of the Interior by the Secretary of Agriculture.