US Code
§ 2204e. Office of Risk Assessment and Cost-Benefit Analysis

(a) Office of Risk Assessment and Cost-Benefit AnalysisThe Secretary of Agriculture shall establish in the Department of Agriculture an Office of Risk Assessment and Cost-Benefit Analysis, which shall be under the direction of a Director appointed by the Secretary.
(b) FunctionsThe Director shall ensure that any regulatory analysis that is conducted under this section includes a risk assessment and cost-benefit analysis that is performed consistently and uses reasonably obtainable and sound scientific, technical, economic, and other data.(1) In generalEffective six months after October 13, 1994, the Secretary of Agriculture shall publish in the Federal Register, for each proposed major regulation the primary purpose of which is to regulate issues of human health, human safety, or the environment that is promulgated by the Department after October 13, 1994, an analysis with as much specificity as practicable, of—(A) the risk, including the effect of the risk, to human health, human safety, or the environment, and any combination thereof, addressed by the regulation, including, where applicable and practicable, the health and safety risks to persons who are disproportionately exposed or particularly sensitive;
(B) the costs associated with the implementation of, and compliance with, the regulation;
(C) where appropriate and meaningful, a comparison of that risk relative to other similar risks regulated by the Department or other Federal Agency, resulting from comparable activities and exposure pathways (such comparisons should consider relevant distinctions among risks, such as the voluntary or involuntary nature of risks and the preventability or nonpreventability of risks); and
(D) the quantitative and qualitative benefits of the regulation, including the reduction or prevention of risk expected from the regulation.
Where such a regulatory analysis is not practicable because of compelling circumstances, the Director shall provide an explanation in lieu of conducting an analysis under this section.
(2) EvaluationThe regulatory analysis referred to in paragraph (1) should also contain a statement that the Secretary of Agriculture evaluated—(A) whether the regulation will advance the purpose of protecting against the risk referred to in paragraph (1)(A); and
(B) whether the regulation will produce benefits and reduce risks to human health, human safety, or the environment, and any combination thereof, in a cost-effective manner as a result of the implementation of and compliance with the regulation, by local, State, and Federal Government and other public and private entities, as estimated in paragraph (1)(B).
(3) ConstructionThis section shall not be construed to amend, modify, or alter any statute and shall not be subject to judicial review. This section shall not be construed to grant a cause of action to any person. The Secretary of Agriculture shall perform the analyses required in this section in such a manner that does not delay the promulgation or implementation of regulations mandated by statute or judicial order.
(c) “Major regulation” definedAs used in this section, the term “major regulation” means any regulation that the Secretary of Agriculture estimates is likely to have an annual impact on the economy of the United States of $100,000,000 in 1994 dollars.

Structure US Code

US Code



§ 2201. Establishment of Department

§ 2202. Executive Department; Secretary

§ 2203. Seal

§ 2204. General duties of Secretary; advisory functions; research and development

§ 2204–1. Delegation of regulatory functions of Secretary of Agriculture; definitions

§ 2204–2. Delegation of regulatory functions to designated employees; status of employees; number; revocation of delegation

§ 2204–3. Authority of designated employees; retroactive revocation of delegation

§ 2204–4. Delegation of functions under other laws as unaffected

§ 2204–5. Authorization of appropriations for cooperative research projects

§ 2204a. Rural development; utilization of non-Federal offices; location of field units; interchange of personnel and facilities

§ 2204b. Rural development policy

§ 2204b–1. Rural development

§ 2204b–2. Temporary prioritization of rural health assistance

§ 2204b–3. Council on Rural Community Innovation and Economic Development

§ 2204b–4. Institute for Rural Partnerships

§ 2204c. Water management for rural areas

§ 2204d. Encouragement of private contracting

§ 2204e. Office of Risk Assessment and Cost-Benefit Analysis

§ 2204f. Repealed. , ,

§ 2204g. Authority of Secretary of Agriculture to conduct census of agriculture

§ 2204h. Local food production and program evaluation

§ 2204i. Reports on land access and farmland ownership data collection

§ 2204j. National agriculture imagery program

§ 2205. Duties of former Commissioner of Agriculture transferred to Secretary

§ 2206. Custody of property and records

§ 2206a. Conveyance of excess Federal personal property

§ 2206b. Availability of excess and surplus computers in rural areas

§ 2207. Reports

§ 2207a. Reports to Congress on obligation and expenditure

§ 2207b. Program metrics

§ 2207c. Annual report on work of agricultural experiment stations and of college extension work; publication and distribution

§ 2207d. Reports on disbursement of funds for agricultural research and extension at 1862 and 1890 land-grant colleges, including Tuskegee University

§ 2208. Expenditure of appropriations; accounting

§ 2208a. Loan levels provided to Department of Agriculture

§ 2209. Additional statement of expenditures

§ 2209a. Advances to chiefs of field parties

§ 2209b. Availability of appropriations

§ 2209c. Use of funds for one-year contracts to be performed in two fiscal years

§ 2209d. Statement of percentage and dollar amount of Federal funding

§ 2209e. Prohibition on payments to parties involved with prohibited drug-producing plants

§ 2209f. Restriction on commodity purchase program payments

§ 2209g. Availability of funds for uniforms or allowances

§ 2209h. Reimbursement of Office of the General Counsel

§ 2209i. Funding for preparation of final agency decisions regarding discrimination complaints

§ 2209j. Permanent debarment from participation in Department of Agriculture programs for fraud

§ 2209k. Prohibition on payments to fossil fuel refiners and importers

§ 2210. Deputy Secretary of Agriculture; appointment

§ 2211. Powers and duties of Deputy Secretary of Agriculture

§ 2211a. Omitted

§§ 2211b to 2212c. Repealed. , §§ 218(e)(2)–(6), 231(f)(1), , , 3219

§ 2213. Omitted

§ 2214. General Counsel; appointment

§ 2215. Chief clerk

§ 2216. Repealed. , ,

§ 2217. Oaths, affirmations, and affidavits taken by officers, agents, or employees of Department; use and effect

§ 2217a. Power to administer oaths, examine witnesses, or require production of books, etc.

§ 2218. Fee for administering or taking oaths, affirmations, and affidavits

§ 2219. Salaries; how paid

§ 2219a. Overtime and holiday pay

§ 2220. Certain officials and employees of Department and others not subject to restriction on payment of compensation to Government officials and employees

§ 2221. Details of persons from or to office of Secretary

§ 2222. Details of law clerks

§ 2223. Details of employees from and to library and bureaus and offices

§ 2224. Details of employees from and to Division of Accounts and Disbursements and bureaus and offices; traveling expenses

§ 2224a. Utilization of employees of agencies for part-time and intermittent assistance to other agencies; exclusion of overtime resulting from natural disasters from staff year ceilings

§ 2225. Employment of temporary personnel

§ 2225a. Contracts for consulting services

§ 2225b. Personal service contracts for veterinarians

§ 2225c. Employment contracts for services abroad

§ 2225d. Availability of Department of Agriculture funds for temporary employment

§ 2226. Employment of persons for forest fire fighting, pest control, and handling of animals

§ 2227. Traveling expenses

§ 2228. Emergency subsistence for employees

§ 2229. Travel and per diem expenses of temporary or seasonal employees

§ 2230. Employees in Alaska; subsistence, equipment, and supplies

§ 2231. Official expenses of employees stationed abroad

§ 2231a. Reimbursement of employees for costs of State licenses and certification fees

§ 2231b. First amendment rights of employees of the United States Department of Agriculture

§ 2232. Stenographic reporting service

§ 2233. Funds available for expenses of advisory committees

§ 2234. Purchases for bureaus from appropriations for contingent expenses

§ 2235. Working capital fund established; use of central services by bureaus, etc., of the Department

§ 2235a. Deposit and retention of credit card refunds or rebates

§ 2236. Working capital fund for Agricultural Research Center; establishment

§ 2237. Use of field work funds for employment of men with equipment, etc.

§ 2238. Use of field work funds for purchase of arms and ammunition

§ 2239. Funds for printing, binding, and scientific and technical article reprint purchases

§ 2240. Reimbursement of appropriation for salaries and compensation of employees in mechanical shops

§ 2241. Sale or exchange of animals or animal products

§ 2241a. Exchange or sale authority

§ 2241b. Purchase of seeds and plants for distribution

§ 2242. Repealed. , (2), ,

§ 2242a. User fees for reports, publications, and software

§ 2242b. Translation of publications into foreign languages

§ 2243. Sale of photographic prints and maps

§ 2244. Repealed. , ,

§ 2245. Sale of prints and lantern slides

§ 2246. Loan, rental, or sale of films

§ 2247. Sale of samples of pure sugars

§ 2247a. Farm or food products; sale of samples, practical forms, etc.

§ 2248. Statistics relating to turpentine and rosin

§ 2249. Amount and character of cooperation

§ 2250. Construction and repair of buildings and public improvements

§ 2250a. Erection of buildings and other structures on non-Federal lands; duration of use of such lands; removal of structures after termination of use; availability of funds for expenses of acquiring long-term leases or other agreements

§ 2250b. Nonrecurring expenses fund

§ 2251. Reimbursement of Production and Marketing Administration appropriations for expenses of maintaining registers of indebtedness and making set-offs

§ 2252. Reimbursement of Production and Marketing Administration appropriations for costs of procuring agricultural commodities for nongovernmental agencies or foreign governments

§ 2253. Adjustment by Secretary of titles to lands acquired by Government and subject to his control

§ 2254. Operation, maintenance and purchase of aircraft by Agricultural Research Service; construction and repair of buildings

§ 2254a. Availability of funds appropriated for Agricultural Research Service for research related to tobacco or tobacco products

§ 2254b. Availability of funds appropriated for Agricultural Research Service for research related to tobacco or tobacco products; exception

§ 2254c. Research

§ 2255. Membership in International Wheat Advisory Committee, International Sugar Council, etc.

§ 2255a. Financial assistance to national and international conferences

§ 2255b. Department of Agriculture conference transparency

§ 2256. Inspections, analyses, and tests for other Government departments and agencies; reimbursement

§ 2257. Interchangeability of funds for miscellaneous expenses and general expenses

§ 2258. Purchase of newspapers

§ 2259. Market-inspection certificates as prima facie evidence

§§ 2260, 2260a. Repealed. , (4), ,

§ 2261. Credit of donations and proceeds from exhibitions to appropriations concerned with foreign market development programs

§ 2262. Employee liability insurance on motor vehicles in foreign countries

§ 2262a. Overseas tort claims

§ 2263. Transfer of funds

§ 2264. National Agricultural Library; acceptance of gifts, bequests, or devises; conditional gifts

§ 2265. Deposit of money accepted for benefit of National Agricultural Library; disbursement

§ 2266. Congressional reaffirmation of policy to foster and encourage family farms

§ 2266a. Century Farms program

§ 2266b. Eligibility for operators on heirs property land to obtain a farm number

§ 2267. Repealed. , ,

§ 2268. Public lands; relinquishment

§ 2268a. Acquisition of land; options

§ 2269. Gifts of property; acceptance and administration by Secretary of Agriculture; Federal tax law consideration; separate fund in Treasury; regulations

§ 2270. Authority of Office of Inspector General

§ 2270a. Office of Inspector General; transfer of forfeiture funds for law enforcement activities

§ 2270b. Department of Agriculture Inspector General investigation of Forest Service firefighter deaths

§ 2270c. Submission of results

§ 2271. Marketing education programs for small and medium size family farm operations

§ 2271a. Advanced marketing training for farmers and ranchers

§ 2272. Volunteers for Department of Agriculture programs

§ 2272a. Funds for incidental expenses and promotional items relating to volunteers

§ 2273. Local search and rescue operations

§ 2274. Firearm authority of employees engaged in animal quarantine enforcement

§ 2274a. Firearm authority of employees conducting field work in remote locations

§ 2275. Repealed. , ,

§ 2276. Confidentiality of information

§ 2277. Contracts by Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service for services to be performed abroad

§ 2278. Consistency with international obligations of United States

§ 2279. Farming opportunities training and outreach

§ 2279–1. Transparency and accountability for socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers

§ 2279–2. Report of civil rights complaints, resolutions, and actions

§ 2279a. Fair and equitable treatment of socially disadvantaged producers

§ 2279b. Department of Agriculture educational, training, and professional development activities

§ 2279c. Student internship programs

§ 2279d. Compensatory damages in claims under Rehabilitation Act of 1973

§ 2279e. Civil penalty

§ 2279f. Subpoena authority

§ 2279g. Marketing services; cooperative agreements

§ 2279h. Cross-servicing activities of National Finance Center

§ 2279i. Cooperation with State and other agencies; expenditures

§ 2279j. Conversion authority

§ 2279k. Authorization of protection operations for the Secretary of Agriculture and others