US Code
§ 1962b–4. Administrative provisions

(a) Hearings, proceedings, evidence, reports; office space; use of mails; personnel, consultants, and professional service contracts; personnel from other agencies; retirement and employee benefit system for personnel without coverage; motor vehicles; necessary expenses; other powersFor the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this subchapter, each river basin commission may—(1) hold such hearings, sit and act at such times and places, take such testimony, receive such evidence, and print or otherwise reproduce and distribute so much of its proceedings and reports thereon as it may deem advisable;
(2) acquire, furnish, and equip such office space as is necessary;
(3) use the United States mails in the same manner and upon the same conditions as departments and agencies of the United States;
(4) employ and compensate such personnel as it deems advisable, including consultants, at rates not in excess of the daily equivalent of the rate prescribed for grade GS–18 under section 5332 of title 5, and retain and compensate such professional or technical service firms as it deems advisable on a contract basis;
(5) arrange for the services of personnel from any State or the United States, or any subdivision or agency thereof, or any intergovernmental agency;
(6) make arrangements, including contracts, with any participating government, except the United States or the District of Columbia, for inclusion in a suitable retirement and employee benefit system of such of its personnel as may not be eligible for or continuing in another governmental retirement or employee benefit system, or otherwise provide for such coverage of its personnel;
(7) purchase, hire, operate, and maintain passenger motor vehicles; and
(8) incur such necessary expenses and exercise such other powers as are consistent with and reasonably required to perform its functions under this chapter.
(b) OathsThe chairman of a river basin commission, or any member of such commission designated by the chairman thereof for the purpose, is authorized to administer oaths when it is determined by a majority of the commission that testimony shall be taken or evidence received under oath.
(c) Records; public inspectionTo the extent permitted by law, all appropriate records and papers of each river basin commission shall be made available for public inspection during ordinary office hours.
(d) Information and personnel from other Federal agenciesUpon request of the chairman of any river basin commission, or any member or employee of such commission designated by the chairman thereof for the purpose, the head of any Federal department or agency is authorized (1) to furnish to such commission such information as may be necessary for carrying out its functions and as may be available to or procurable by such department or agency, and (2) to detail to temporary duty with such commission on a reimbursable basis such personnel within his administrative jurisdiction as it may need or believe to be useful for carrying out its functions, each such detail to be without loss of seniority, pay, or other employee status.
(e) Responsibility for personnel and fundsThe chairman of each river basin commission shall, with the concurrence of the vice chairman, appoint the personnel employed by such commission, and the chairman shall, in accordance with the general policies of such commission with respect to the work to be accomplished by it and the timing thereof, be responsible for (1) the supervision of personnel employed by such commission, (2) the assignment of duties and responsibilities among such personnel, and (3) the use and expenditure of funds available to such commission.