US Code
§ 192b–8. Description of parcels of land

The aforesaid parcels A, C, and D, and the combined parcels A and B are, subject to minor revisions or corrections of a technical nature, more particularly described as follows:Beginning at the southeast corner of section 31, township 4 north, range 75 west of the sixth principal meridian; thence north 800.0 feet along the east line of said section 31; thence west 1,000.0 feet; thence south 134.06 feet; thence west 329.75 feet; thence south 166.94 feet; thence west 1,078.60 feet; thence south 497.82 feet, more or less, to the south line of said section 31; thence east along the south line of said section 31 to the point of beginning, containing 35 acres more or less.Beginning at a point on the west line of section 32, township 4 north, range 75 west of the sixth principal meridian, 800 feet north of the southwest corner of said section 32; thence east 660.0 feet; thence north 520.0 feet; thence east 660.0 feet; thence north 1,325.94 feet; thence west to the west line of said section 32; thence south along said west line of said section 32 to the point of beginning, containing 48 acres, more or less.Beginning at a point 800.0 feet north and 660.0 feet east of the southwest corner of section 32, township 4 north, range 75 west of the sixth principal meridian; thence east 1,962.18 feet; thence north 520.0 feet; thence west 1,962.18 feet; thence south 520.0 feet to the point of beginning, containing 23.5 acres, more or less.Beginning at the corner common to sections 31 and 32, township 4 north, range 75 west, and sections 5 and 6, township 3 north, range 75 west, sixth principal meridian; thence south 88 degrees 55 minutes east, 660.0 feet along the south section line of said section 32; thence north 800.0 feet; thence west 660.0 feet, more or less, to a point on the section line common to said sections 31 and 32; thence continuing west 1,000.0 feet; thence south 134.06 feet; thence west 329.75 feet; thence south 166.94 feet; thence west 1,078.6 feet; thence south 497.82 feet, more or less, to a point on the south section line of said section 31; thence south 89 degrees 24 minutes east, 2,389.47 feet along the south section line of said section 31 to the point of beginning; the tract as described containing approximately 47 acres.

Structure US Code

US Code




§ 191. Establishment; boundaries; reclamation project

§ 192. Boundaries enlarged

§ 192a. Boundaries revised; excluded lands transferred

§ 192b. Addition of lands

§ 192b–1. Exchange of lands

§ 192b–2. Addition of lands

§ 192b–3. Acquisition of lands

§ 192b–4. Acquisition of property to connect certain roads and to develop residential, utility, and administrative units

§ 192b–5. Inclusion of acquired lands; rules and regulations

§ 192b–6. Exchange of lands

§ 192b–7. Revision of boundaries

§ 192b–8. Description of parcels of land

§ 192b–9. Rocky Mountain National Park, Roosevelt National Forest, and the Arapaho National Forest

§ 192b–10. Boundary adjustment for Rocky Mountain National Park and Roosevelt National Forest

§ 192c. Vested rights

§ 193. Claims and rights under land laws not affected; rights-of-way for irrigation and other purposes

§ 194. Lands held in private, municipal, or State ownership not affected

§ 195. Control; regulations; leases; sale and removal of timber

§ 195a. North St. Vrain Creek and adjacent lands

§ 196. Use for Arbuckle Reservoir

§ 197. Applicability of other laws

§ 198. Exclusive jurisdiction; assumption by United States; saving provisions

§§ 198a, 198b. Repealed. , , eff.

§ 198c. Prohibited acts; rules and regulations; penalties for offenses

§ 198d. Forfeiture of property used in commission of offenses

§§ 198e to 198j. Repealed. , , eff.