US Code
§ 1751. Study of the feasibility of a North American National Security Program

(a) In generalThe President shall conduct a study of the feasibility of establishing a North American National Security Program to enhance the mutual security and safety of the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
(b) Study elementsIn conducting the study required by subsection (a), the President shall consider the following:(1) PreclearanceThe feasibility of establishing a program enabling foreign national travelers to the United States to submit voluntarily to a preclearance procedure established by the Department of State and the Immigration and Naturalization Service to determine whether such travelers are admissible to the United States under section 1182 of this title. Consideration shall be given to the feasibility of expanding the preclearance program to include the preclearance both of foreign nationals traveling to Canada and foreign nationals traveling to Mexico.
(2) PreinspectionThe feasibility of expanding preinspection facilities at foreign airports as described in section 1225a of this title. Consideration shall be given to the feasibility of expanding preinspections to foreign nationals on air flights destined for Canada and Mexico, and the cross training and funding of inspectors from Canada and Mexico.
(3) ConditionsA determination of the measures necessary to ensure that the conditions required by section 1225a(a)(5) of this title are satisfied, including consultation with experts recognized for their expertise regarding the conditions required by that section.
(c) ReportNot later than 1 year after May 14, 2002, the President shall submit to the appropriate committees of Congress a report setting forth the findings of the study conducted under subsection (a).
(d) Authorization of appropriationsThere are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out this section.