US Code
§ 14a. Data standards; open data publication

(a) Data standards(1) RequirementThe Comptroller of the Currency shall, by rule, adopt data standards for all collections of information that are regularly filed with or submitted to the Comptroller of the Currency by any entity with respect to which the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency is the appropriate Federal banking agency (as defined in section 1813 of this title).
(2) ConsistencyThe data standards required under paragraph (1) shall incorporate, and ensure compatibility with (to the extent feasible), all applicable data standards established in the rules promulgated under section 5334 of this title, including, to the extent practicable, by having the characteristics described in clauses (i) through (vi) of subsection (c)(1)(B) of such section 5334.
(b) Open data publicationAll public data assets published by the Comptroller of the Currency under title LXII or the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Public Law 111–203; 124 Stat. 1376) shall be—(1) made available as an open Government data asset (as defined in section 3502 of title 44);
(2) freely available for download;
(3) rendered in a human-readable format; and
(4) accessible via application programming interface where appropriate.