US Code
Part A— Employment Discrimination, Family and Medical Leave, Fair Labor Standards, Employee Polygraph Protection, Worker Adjustment and Retraining, Employment and Reemployment of Veterans, and Intimidation
§ 1316b. Rights and protections relating to criminal history inquiries

(a) DefinitionsIn this section, the terms “agency”, “criminal history record information”, and “suspension” have the meanings given the terms in section 9201 of title 5, except as otherwise modified by this section.
(b) Restrictions on criminal history inquiries(1) In general(A) In generalExcept as provided in subparagraph (B), an employee of an employing office may not request that an applicant for employment as a covered employee disclose criminal history record information if the request would be prohibited under section 9202 of title 5 if made by an employee of an agency.
(B) Conditional offerFor purposes of applying that section 9202 under subparagraph (A), a reference in that section 9202 to a conditional offer shall be considered to be an offer of employment as a covered employee that is conditioned upon the results of a criminal history inquiry.
(2) Rules of constructionThe provisions of section 9206 of title 5 shall apply to employing offices, consistent with regulations issued under subsection (d).
(c) Remedy(1) In generalThe remedy for a violation of subsection (b)(1) shall be such remedy as would be appropriate if awarded under section 9204 of title 5 if the violation had been committed by an employee of an agency, consistent with regulations issued under subsection (d), except that the reference in that section to a suspension shall be considered to be a suspension with the level of compensation provided for a covered employee who is taking unpaid leave under section 1312 of this title.
(2) Process for obtaining reliefAn applicant for employment as a covered employee who alleges a violation of subsection (b)(1) may rely on the provisions of subchapter IV (other than section 1407 or 1408 of this title, or a provision of this subchapter that permits a person to obtain a civil action or judicial review), consistent with regulations issued under subsection (d).
(d) Regulations to implement section(1) In generalNot later than 18 months after December 20, 2019, the Board shall, pursuant to section 1384 of this title, issue regulations to implement this section.
(2) Parallel with agency regulationsThe regulations issued under paragraph (1) shall be the same as substantive regulations issued by the Director of the Office of Personnel Management under section 2(b)(1) of the Fair Chance to Compete for Jobs Act of 2019 11 See References in Text note below. to implement the statutory provisions referred to in subsections (a) through (c) except to the extent that the Board may determine, for good cause shown and stated together with the regulation, that a modification of such regulations would be more effective for the implementation of the rights and protections under this section.
(e) Effective dateSection 1302(a)(12) of this title and subsections (a) through (c) shall take effect on the date on which section 9202 of title 5 applies with respect to agencies.