US Code
Part F— Community-Based Justice Grants for Prosecutors
§ 12223. Applications

(a) EligibilityIn order to be eligible to receive a grant under this part 11 See References in Text note below. for any fiscal year, a State, Indian tribal, or local prosecutor, in conjunction with the chief executive officer of the jurisdiction in which the program will be placed, shall submit an application to the Attorney General in such form and containing such information as the Attorney General may reasonably require.
(b) RequirementsEach applicant shall include—(1) a request for funds for the purposes described in section 12222 of this title;
(2) a description of the communities to be served by the grant, including the nature of the youth crime, youth violence, and child abuse problems within such communities;
(3) assurances that Federal funds received under this part 1 shall be used to supplement, not supplant, non-Federal funds that would otherwise be available for activities funded under this section; and
(4) statistical information in such form and containing such information that the Attorney General may require.
(c) Comprehensive planEach applicant shall include a comprehensive plan that shall contain—(1) a description of the youth violence or child abuse crime problem;
(2) an action plan outlining how the applicant will achieve the purposes as described in section 12222 of this title;
(3) a description of the resources available in the community to implement the plan together with a description of the gaps in the plan that cannot be filled with existing resources; and
(4) a description of how the requested grant will be used to fill gaps.