US Code
§ 10513. Application requirements

(1) DNA analyses performed at the laboratory will satisfy or exceed then current standards for a quality assurance program for DNA analysis issued by the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation under section 12591 of this title.11 So in original. The period probably should be a semicolon.
(2) DNA samples obtained by and DNA analyses performed at the laboratory shall be made available only—(A) to criminal justice agencies for law enforcement identification purposes;
(B) in judicial proceedings, if otherwise admissible pursuant to applicable statutes or rules;
(C) for criminal defense purposes, to a defendant, who shall have access to samples and analyses performed in connection with the case in which the defendant is charged; or
(D) if personally identifiable information is removed, for a population statistics database, for identification research and protocol development purposes, or for quality control purposes; and
(3) the laboratory and each analyst performing DNA analyses at the laboratory shall undergo semiannual external proficiency testing by a DNA proficiency testing program that meets the standards issued under section 12591 of this title.