US Code
§ 10408. Administrative provisions

(a) In generalA State or specially qualified unit that receives funds under this subchapter shall—(1) establish a trust fund in which the government will deposit all payments received under this subchapter;
(2) use amounts in the trust fund (including interest) during the period specified in section 10406(b)(1) of this title and any extension of that period under section 10406(b)(2) of this title;
(3) designate an official of the State or specially qualified unit to submit reports as the Attorney General reasonably requires, in addition to the annual reports required under this subchapter; and
(4) spend the funds only for the purpose of strengthening the juvenile justice system.
(b) Chapter provisionsExcept as otherwise provided, the administrative provisions of subchapter VII shall apply to this subchapter and for purposes of this section any reference in such provisions to this chapter shall be deemed to include a reference to this subchapter.